Chapter 240 Anti-Tracking

Li Sihui walked home with her younger brother. Hearing Li Laogen's pleading, Li Sihui was unmoved. He deserved it.

"You look after the house."

When she got home, Li Sihui tossed a word to her younger brother, picked up the basket and walked up the mountain.

She plans to hunt more wild animals today, and then let the robot pick some mushrooms and fungus, which can be eaten for a long time after drying.

She didn't notice that someone was staring at her all the time. After seeing her walking up the mountain alone, that person looked around and followed sneakily.

Li Sihui didn't notice that there was someone behind her, and took out the score given by Teacher Wang, and hummed as she walked, beating the time with her hands.

When the people behind heard her singing, they hesitated for a moment, and then became murderous again in an instant.

Li Sihui didn't want to look for things in the outer mountains. One reason was that they were almost picked by the villagers, and the other reason was that the robot could not be found by people.

Walking towards the inner mountain with ease, the man saw her entering the inner mountain, and the resentment in his eyes became stronger.

He followed closely all the way, obviously used to following him, because someone as keen as Li Sihui had never found his trace.

Soon we arrived at the inner mountain, where the wild grass was half the height of a person.

Li Sihui looked around, but found no one, but she felt a little restless today, and still worried.

He walked directly into the woods, taking advantage of no one to enter the space capsule.

"See if anyone is around?"

Giving orders to the program, my naked eyes are not as reliable as these instruments.


The instrument started, Li Sihui looked at the screen, and soon the entire back mountain was under the inspection of the space capsule.

"Really anyone?"

Li Sihui could see clearly that a red shadow followed the woods.

"Who is it? Did you follow me on purpose?"

She looked around again, and it seemed that there were only the two of them in Uchiyama.

Seeing that person acting very carefully, as if deliberately hiding his figure?

Li Sihui squinted her eyes, carefully watching his every move.

The man seemed to be puzzled and stopped for a while, and turned around in a circle.

It's a pity that her program is not very clear. She can only see the human form based on the heat of the human body, but she can't see what she looks like. There is only a red shadow on the screen.

It's easy to see who he is by releasing the drone?But it's too risky to do so, Li Sihui thinks it's better to be careful.

After watching the man walking towards the depths of the woods, Li Sihui finally got out of the space capsule.

She knew where that person was going, so she followed him cautiously.

Not far ahead are familiar clothes, well washed, some whitish Chinese tunic suits.

Li Sihui raised her eyebrows, is it him?

As if he couldn't possibly be following him?After thinking about it, he turned around and walked in the opposite direction.

Stay away from him first, you can't return empty-handed, it's a waste of time.

She kept calculating the distance, and after walking for a few minutes, she began to look for mushrooms under the tree roots. Now that there are still people in Uchiyama, she dare not release the robot.

The purpose of picking mushrooms here is to make people look sloppy, and they are not afraid of being discovered by that person. Going back to the village and saying it is tantamount to helping her publicize.

The inner mountains are rich in resources, especially mushrooms, which grow crazily when it rains. It rained for several days before, and the mushrooms in the inner mountains are flooded and the harvest is bumper.

After a while, she picked a small half of the basket. At first, she pretended to be, but later she found that picking mushrooms was very interesting and a bit addictive.

"Li Sihui?"

Li Sihui had to stop at the sound of a man's call, how could he forget about this man?But he was obviously walking in the opposite direction, how did he find her?

"This deep mountain and old forest, how dangerous is it for a little girl like you to come in by yourself?"

The man spoke out of concern, and walked towards Li Sihui with big strides.

(End of this chapter)

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