Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 241 It's Really Easy to Lose Your Life

Chapter 241 It's Really Easy to Lose Your Life

"Doctor Xing, what are you doing in Neishan?"

Li Sihui stood up and looked at him, and asked out the doubts in her heart. At this time, she had already gone to the field, why did he come to Neishan?

Especially on the screen of the space capsule, he seems to be looking for something?
The tone of his speech was very straight and hard, Dr. Xing's eyes flashed, and the corner of his mouth raised a kind smile.

"I go to the mountains to collect herbs. If anyone in the village has a headache, I can help everyone treat their illnesses. There are many good herbs in the inner mountains. Don't let them go to waste if they can save people."

Dr. Xing spoke very smoothly, and as he spoke, he walked towards Li Sihui.

Li Sihui didn't feel that there was anything wrong after hearing this. The village chief did say that he should be allowed to move around freely, gather more herbs and see a doctor for the villagers.

"Then you are busy! I will pick mushrooms."

Although the suspicion is still there, Li Sihui continued to work on the job, picking big fat mushrooms. In fact, potato mushrooms are also delicious, but they are too small and they are too slow to pick.

"What's the matter? It's fine if you don't run into each other. If I do, I will protect you."

The smile on Dr. Xing's face turned serious, and he refused to leave at all, insisting on staying with Li Sihui.

Li Sihui pouted, who is protecting whom?Or do you have ulterior motives?
Dr. Xing was relatively thin, but his face was quite rosy, but Li Sihui didn't take him seriously because of his thin arms and legs.

Thinking this way in my heart, I didn't say much, turned around silently, and continued to pick mushrooms.

But this hunting thing can't be carried out blatantly now, at worst it will come again at night.

"Li Sihui, do you often go to Neishan recently?"

Dr. Xing was collecting herbs near her, and he also carried a pannier on his back. When he saw Bupleurum, Fangfeng and other medicinal materials, he pulled them out and threw them into the pan.

I don't know what his starting point is?He started chatting with Li Sihui casually.

Li Sihui glanced at him, since he was looking for medicinal materials, why did he ask himself so much?
But he pretended to be indifferent and nodded: "There is no food at home, so I have to go to the mountains to look for it."

This is an explanation, but she thinks it's useless to talk to Dr. Xing, he doesn't seem to be able to fully believe it.

"Oh, you little girl, aren't you afraid? There are wild beasts in the mountains, and I heard from the villagers that this inner mountain is cursed, and everyone who enters it will die. Are you not afraid?"

Sure enough, Dr. Xing stared at Li Sihui intently, stopped collecting herbs, and asked suspiciously.

"Aren't you afraid?"

Li Sihui looked up at Dr. Xing, and asked a question.

I am not afraid that there is a space capsule, what about him?

Besides, when she didn't let the robot clean up the air and poisonous plants before, it was easy to lose her life if she wanted to enter here, which is well known.

"I'm a doctor. I don't believe this. Today is the first time I have entered the inner mountains. I have been looking for medicines in the outer mountains, but there are no precious medicinal materials. I want to gather some ginseng or something. This thing can save lives in critical times."

Dr. Xing smiled gently, stood up and put his hand on the brow bone and looked around.

Li Sihui also stood up, and felt that his action was very strange. It didn't look like he was outside in the woods. There was no strong sunlight, so what was he doing blocking his eyes?

"You want ginseng? I know where it is."

Li Sihui felt that Dr. Xing's words reminded herself that she saw a piece of ginseng that day, and only dug one back, just in time to take him there, and she dug two more by the way.

"Really, that's great. On behalf of the villagers, thank you."

Dr. Xing looked very excited, and pretended to thank him repeatedly.

Li Sihui shrugged, she didn't need anyone to thank her, she just got what she needed.

(End of this chapter)

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