Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 246 Doctor Xing's Handkerchief

Chapter 246 Doctor Xing's Handkerchief
"I didn't expect that there would be ginseng in the mountains, picking some bupleurum, windproof and so on can be done without tools."

Dr. Xing explained with difficulty, not daring to meet Zhou Zixu's gaze.

Why is this kid so poisonous in his eyes?As if he had seen through him.

You Qi felt that the way he looked at him dazzled his eyes, and he had to lower his head.

But seeing the overalls on him, the man tensed up again, and looked away again.

Zhou Zixu saw his expression completely in his eyes, and looked down at his clothes. Normal people would look enviously when they saw the uniform. How is he, he seems to be afraid of his uniform?
No, he should be afraid of his own identity.

"By the way, Dr. Xing's handkerchief smells like medicine to me."

Li Sihui suddenly said a word, and handed it over with a sickle, with a handkerchief tied on it, with some dark checks, and the color looked wrong.

Zhou Zixu wanted to reach out to take it, but Li Sihui withdrew his hand abruptly, just shook his head at him, and Zhou Zixu understood.

He took out a handkerchief from his pocket to cover the handkerchief on the tip of Li Sihui's sickle, but he was paying attention to Dr. Xing's expression from the corner of his eyes.

However, he saw that his face was already pale at this time, his eyes were chattering in their sockets, and he looked at the mountain road back to the village from time to time, and he also turned his head to look at the inner mountain.

It looks like he's trying to figure out which way to go?
"Back to you."

Zhou Zixu had already got the handkerchief, showed a harmless smile, and handed it to Dr. Xing.

"Thank you."

Dr. Xing nodded his thanks, and stretched out his hand to take the handkerchief. Zhou Zixu suddenly broke out, as fast as lightning, hooked Dr. Xing's neck with one hand, and covered his mouth and nose with the handkerchief.


Dr. Xing struggled desperately, but his physical strength was not at the same level as Zhou Zixu's. He whimpered, and soon closed his eyes and passed out.

"it is as expected."

Li Sihui went over and kicked him, and found that the man was lying motionless on the ground like a dead dog.

"It's quite clever. Guess what he will do when he covers your nose with this handkerchief?"

Zhou Zixu carefully wrapped Dr. Xing's handkerchief with his own handkerchief and put it in his pocket. Hearing Li Sihui's words, he raised an eyebrow, and the corner of his mouth seemed to be smiling, but the worry in his eyes was ready to come out.

"It is estimated that he has no good intentions, how to deal with him?"

Li Sihui shrugged, since he turned her head to look at the poisonous snake, she knew this would be the result.

"I'll take him back first. I'll ask someone to test this handkerchief. What's the matter?"

After Zhou Zixu said something, he went over to pull people, his eyes flickered, he first put Dr. Xing's arm behind his back, and stretched out his hand to Li Sihui for a rope.

"Give me the rope."


Li Sihui frowned and asked.

"Tie it up! Who knows if he is really dizzy or fake?"

Zhou Zixu pressed with one leg. On Dr. Xing's body, he used a lot of energy. He wanted to see if he was really dizzy, or was he just pretending?

"There is a rope."

Li Sihui took out a length of straw rope from the basket and handed it over.

I found a shaded place to sit down, and watched Zhou Zixu tie up Dr. Xing like a pig. Who learned this method of tying up?Could it be that Zhou Zixu has learned how to butcher pigs?
"Hey, does this kid still have these on him?"

Zhou Zixu tied up the good man and began to search again. He found a small knife in Dr. Xing's pocket. It was very sharp and could bleed instantly.

"The identity is suspicious, I want to take it back to the unit."

He realized the seriousness, this person is not just a little doctor.

"Okay, you take him away!"

Li Sihui nodded, it had nothing to do with her, she just wanted to return to Neishan.

"Sihui, don't go in yet, go home and have a look, I have brought you a surprise."

(End of this chapter)

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