Chapter 247
Zhou Zixu called Li Sihui to stop, the investigation and interrogation was not good enough for her to follow, picked up Dr. Xing who was on the ground like a dead dog, carried him on his shoulders, and strode down the mountain.

"What surprise?"

Li Sihui followed behind him and asked, but Zhou Zixu just smiled at her, but didn't tell her what the surprise was.

"To make things mysterious."

Li Sihui glared at him, then stepped down the mountain at a faster speed.

Zhou Zixu carried Dr. Xing, who weighed more than 100 kilograms, as if he was carrying a child. He didn't feel tired at all. He followed Li Sihui closely and looked at her with a smile.


His voice was blown into Li Sihui's ears by the small wind in the mountains, as if coaxing her, she looked back at him, this look was a bit amusing.

Carrying such a big man, Zhou Zixu was holding his arm with only one hand, and Dr. Xing was holding his head upside down. Fortunately, he fainted. If he really woke up, he would faint to death.

Looking up, she saw Zhou Zixu's dark eyes filled with narrow smiles, and she rolled her eyes at him.

"Can we speak directly if we have something to say?"

Turn around and continue walking, unwilling to guess riddles with him.

"That's it. I went to the waste collection station today and found all the books from grade one to grade five. Do you think it's something to be happy about?"

Zhou Zixu caught up with a smile, staring at Li Sihui's eyes with bright peach blossom eyes, his smile was really brilliant under the sun.


Li Sihui asked happily, with joy that couldn't be hidden in her eyes.

The younger brother has never been to school, and she was also afraid that he would not be able to keep up if he went to school directly. He would not be able to start from the first grade at such an age. Zhou Zixu was really thoughtful.

"Of course it is true. I asked Jianguo, and he said that he has never read a book. He cannot be placed in the first grade at the age of 14. The oldest one there is only ten years old. So I want to teach him when I have time. I hope he is not too stupid. You can also follow along, there is no charge~"

Seeing her happy, Zhou Zixu smiled even more intensely, as if seeing Li Sihui's smile was a happy thing for him.

"Okay, I will learn too."

Li Sihui tilted her neck and thought for a while, then nodded seriously. In her previous life, she could read, but not many, and she was willing to learn, especially in this world, which is quiet and peaceful without zombies chasing and biting, and wanted to enrich herself.

"Okay, from now on you will call me Mr. Zhou."

Zhou Zixu's happy eyes were as bright as stars, and he blinked mischievously at Li Sihui with a somewhat smug expression.

Li Sihui looked at him seriously, then nodded: "Teacher Zhou."

She was too serious, and she didn't mean to be joking at all. The smile on Zhou Zixu's face faded away a little bit, and he walked down the hill sullenly.

"what happened?"

Li Sihui thought he would be happier, but he seemed unhappy in the end.

"Sihui, I'm leaving first. You go home and read more books with your brother. If I have time in the evening, I will come over. If I don't have time, you can read it by yourself first."

Zhou Zixu strode up to the jeep, and his intuition told him that he seemed to have made a great contribution.

He gave Li Sihui a word, and then took a deep look at her. After seeing her nodding to him, he opened the door and entered the cab.


He honked his horn twice at Li Sihui, turned the steering wheel beautifully, and turned the car towards the outside of the village.

"Sihui! Why did I see that comrade guard took Teacher Xing away? Do you know what happened?"

Aunt Liu next door didn't follow her to the field today. She didn't dare to come over when she saw Zhou Zixu throwing Dr. Xing into the car, but now she came to ask Li Sihui.

"do not know."

Li Sihui shook her head calmly, opened the door and wanted to enter her yard.

"Then isn't it your object to be a man in uniform?" Aunt Zhou whispered behind her.

(End of this chapter)

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