Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 253 The hand held by him

Chapter 253 The hand held by him
Zhou Zixu's words were like a stone thrown into a calm lake, and it swayed in Zhao Jinchen's heart.

yes!Why didn't he think of this level?If Li Sihui is a traitor, she finds out that he was bitten by a poisonous snake in Neishan. In order not to expose herself, the best way is to abandon him.

Zhou Zisong raised his eyes to look at Li Sihui, and saw that she was still cold and angry.

But after hearing Zhou Zixu's words, her eyes fluctuated, and she took a deep look at him.

"Jin Chen, have someone test the handkerchief, Zixu, take her to your office to rest, and wait for the results of my investigation."

Zhou Zisong spoke suddenly, but he still didn't mention to let Li Sihui go, but he didn't lock her up either.

"Sihui, let's go."

Zhou Zixu took Li Sihui's hand and strode out the door. Since the eldest brother said so, it means that he has already made a decision in his heart, and the rest is confirmation.

Li Sihui looked at the hand held by him, and suddenly felt that she was protected by someone. She had been alone all this time, so it feels so good to be protected by someone?

Silently followed him to his office.

The room is clean and tidy, the towels are all white, on the table besides the cup for drinking water, there is a pen holder with pens, pencils and brushes inside.

There is a brush painting on the wall, it is an eagle soaring with its wings spread out, its eagle eyes are proud and sharp, looking down at the sky, but the sky in the painting seems to be foggy, which troubles it to go straight to the sky.

Looking at the eagle on the painting, Li Sihui thought of the first time she saw Zhou Zixu, he was arrogant and arrogant, his eyes were as arrogant as this eagle.

Zhou Zixu took the thermos pot and poured water into the white iron jar, rinsed it and poured the water into the washbasin, then filled a glass of boiled water again and handed it to Li Sihui.

"Drink water! I rinsed the cup, the tea leaves are used up, I can't make tea, so I'll make do with it."

Li Sihui took the jar silently, the water was very hot, and the iron jar was not insulated, but fortunately there was a handle.

"Sit down! Sit in my room for a while, don't worry."

Seeing that she hadn't spoken, Zhou Zixu thought she was worried, so he comforted her in a low voice.

Li Sihui quickly raised her eyes and glanced at him. She was not used to Zhou Zixu speaking in such a gentle tone, and it was more pleasing to her to be arrogant and silly before.

"How can you be sure I'm not that or something?"

Li Sihui spoke suddenly, but couldn't remember what Zhao Jinchen said she was?Her eyes were a little confused, the more she couldn't remember, the more she wanted to think about it.

She didn't know how cute she looked like, her brows were slightly frowned, and there was unresolvable doubt in her eyes, like a little confusion.

Zhou Zixu couldn't look away, and slightly raised the corners of his mouth to help her speak out.

"Is it special?"

"Yes, it's a special *, tell me, what is a special *?"

Li Sihui nodded, as if it was these two words, she didn't know what these two words meant, but from Zhou Zisong and Zhao Jinchen's serious and cold looks, it could be seen that this was not a good thing, so she wanted to know.


Zhou Zixu was drinking water from a cup, when he heard what she said, he sprayed it directly.

Taking out a handkerchief to wipe off the drops of water from his mouth, he found that Li Sihui was still waiting for his answer.

"Special * is not a thing, but a person, a person who destroys."

He could only use the most common explanation to tell her. The strange thing is that he didn't suspect that she was faking it, because this fat girl has always been so stupid and didn't understand many things.

But there is one thing, I don’t understand anything, and I’m crazy.
Li Sihui frowned after hearing this, feeling very unhappy, and looked up at Zhou Zixu with a cold voice.

"Then your elder brother and Zhao Jinchen treat me as a spy?"

(End of this chapter)

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