Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 254 He Makes Her Admired

Chapter 254 He Makes Her Admired

"seems like it."

Zhou Zixu raised his eyebrows. He wanted to answer no, but he knew that this girl was not easy to deceive. She had heard it with her own ears. Even if he said no, she would not believe it.

The big bright eyes kept staring at her, and when she saw her face turn red, as if her eyes were about to burst into flames, she knew that the girl was angry again.

Busy to comfort her:

"Don't be angry. Zhao Jinchen is on official business, so he will naturally do business. Don't worry, he won't wrong you, but it will take some time to investigate."

"Well, I'll teach you pinyin first, and let them investigate. Let's not waste time. After I teach you, you can go home and teach Jianguo."

Seeing that Li Sihui bowed her head in silence, holding a cup and refusing to drink, her brows formed a knot.

Zhou Zixu took out a piece of manuscript paper, smiled and enlightened her, and found something for her to do, so as to save her from getting angry here.

"it is good."

Li Sihui thought about it, this is fine, anyway, staying still is staying, and studying is not bad.

"Come on, let me write out the pinyin first, let me tell you! Pinyin is divided into initials and finals"

Zhou Zixu's voice was pleasant, and he explained very seriously, without any trace of impatience.

Li Sihui listened carefully, watching him quickly write all the letters on the manuscript paper. Although she didn't know whether the words were good or not, she felt that his writing was very neat and comfortable to read.

My impression of him has changed in my heart, I don't look at him like I used to, and I really respect him as a teacher.

During the study, the time really passed quickly. An hour later, Li Sihui memorized all the pinyin.

No matter which pinyin, initial or final was pointed out by Zhou Zixu, she could blurt it out without any hesitation, and it was not bad at all.

Zhou Zixu looked at her appreciatively. No wonder Aunt Wang praised her for being smart and hardworking. He felt it after teaching her for a while.

"Sihui, I found that you are very smart. Basically, you can remember me once I say it. You are a good student. If you really study, you might be able to be admitted to a university and make your ancestors shine."

Zhou Zixu began to encourage Li Sihui, although what he said was a bit exaggerated, but that's what he thought in his heart.

Li Sihui is a jade that has never been developed. As long as someone develops her with insight, she will be dazzling and amazing.

"is it?"

Li Sihui rarely showed a smile, and there was a bit of shyness in her eyes. She was very happy to be praised by Zhou Zixu, but the anger in her heart disappeared under Zhou Zixu's praise.

She is eager to learn, knowledge is useful, and those robots are made by scientists.

She is enjoying the benefits now, but she also hopes that one day she can become a creator.

"Yes, you learn these first today. Let's not rush, take your time, don't run away without learning to walk, this is the foundation of learning Chinese, let's lay a solid foundation, so that the house will be stable in the future."

Zhou Zixu nodded with a smile, really entered into the role of a teacher, and told Li Sihui what the teacher had been nagging him in elementary school.

"um. Thank you."

Li Sihui glanced at him gratefully. Before he helped her, he didn't think it was a problem?Today he surprised her.

Zhou Zixu looked at her steadfastly, he couldn't believe his eyes, wasn't she always cold?What is the reason for the shyness that flashed in his eyes just now?Do you like him?
Li Sihui felt a little unnatural when he looked at him. Under the light, his eyes were so bright, they were as vivid as bright gemstones, and there was a deep feeling in his eyes that she couldn't understand.

"Ahem, who drew this painting?"

She looked away at the proud eagle. She liked this painting very much. The simple lines made a lonely eagle vividly drawn.

"I drew it, if you like it, I will give it to you."

(End of this chapter)

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