Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 265 Where to Argue?

Chapter 265 Where to Argue?
Li Jianguo was counting the questions that Zhou Zixu had left for him with his fingers, and he didn't even notice when the teacher left.

The mountain village in the evening is quiet, and the fire clouds cast a layer of red light on the green mountains. If you calm down, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery.

But Zhou Zixu's heart was all about Li Sihui, so he didn't have the heart to appreciate these things, so he took vigorous strides and walked up the mountain.

His eyesight was extremely good, and he could see that petite figure coming down from the mountain from a distance. She was not walking fast, as if she was carrying something on her back, like a little snail crawling.

Zhou Zixu ran towards her with big strides. The moment he saw her, his worried heart calmed down.

"I must take you away from this mountain."

When he ran to her side, Zhou Zixu didn't say anything else, just threw her a word, and reached out to take her pannier.

Jianmei couldn't help but lock up, it was so heavy, her thin shoulders actually carried a weight of dozens of catties.

The basket was overwhelmed, and the moment Zhou Zixu took it, it fell apart, and the dead roe deer fell to the ground.

Li Sihui wiped the sweat from her forehead. The weather was sweltering, and she went down the mountain with a weight of several kilograms on her back. She was sweating profusely, and her clothes were sticking to her body.

"Look at you, my backpack is reimbursed."

She gave Zhou Zixu a reproachful look, but Zhou Zixu smiled.

"I'll pay you back, okay?"

There was a fishy smell on the roe deer, but Zhou Zixu, who was a bit of a clean freak, still picked it up with his hands, took out a handkerchief and handed it to Li Sihui.

"I bought you an embroidered handkerchief, this one is for women."

Li Sihui looked at the handkerchief in his hand, the white background was embroidered with pink flowers, it looked much better than his checkered handkerchief.

He reached out to take it without saying thank you, and wiped his sweat first.

She felt like her face was being scorched by fire, and as soon as the sweat was wiped off, it came out again.

Not caring that Zhou Zixu was still by his side, he unbuttoned the collar of his shirt and fanned it vigorously with a handkerchief, which could somewhat relieve the heat.

As if caught peeking, Zhou Zixu only took one look, then immediately looked away, and strode down the mountain with the roe deer, completely leaving Sihui behind.

His face was slightly flushed, he felt that he was a thick-skinned person, but he was still embarrassed to take another look at her.

Originally, Li Sihui's clothes were all wrapped around her body, and her graceful figure was displayed in front of his eyes. Then she unbuttoned her neckline unscrupulously, and the scenery inside revealed the tip of the iceberg.

Zhou Zixu felt that if he looked at it again, he would be frivolous, and he didn't want Li Sihui to have any opinion of him.

Although he deliberately pretended to be a playboy in the past, he just didn't want her to think of him that much.

"You wait for me."

Li Sihui saw that he walked away as if he was angry, so she frowned and called him, but he walked even faster.


Looking at his back speechlessly, isn't it just a joke with him, asking him to pay for his back?Why are you angry?

Looking at the crumbling pannier, it seemed that it was worthless to repair, so he kicked it into the woods, it was time to replace it.

When Zhou Zixu returned to Li's house, many people saw the roe deer in his hand, envy flashed in their eyes, this handsome man in uniform was really kind to that girl of Li's family.

It wasn't enough to bring so much food, and I even went to the mountains to kill her a roe deer. How long would it take to finish eating?

In rural areas, women who have been divorced are called abandoned wives, and no one wants a decent little girl. How can abandoned wives find such a good partner?Where should I go to reason?

(End of this chapter)

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