Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 266 It's Best To Let Him Come Out

Chapter 266 It's Best To Let Him Come Out

Everyone was aggrieved, especially those who had daughters at home, and envied Li Sihui for having such a good partner.

Those poor guys who watched Li Sihui become more beautiful, and those dead wives who want to remarry, and there are old bachelors who originally wanted to find a leak and let the matchmaker propose a marriage. If they can marry a beautiful one without spending money, people cannot move away Girl with eyes, it's just too cheap.

But I didn't wait for them to make a move!Here Li Sihui has already found a tall and handsome iron-blooded man, and they stare angrily.

Sun Guodong stared at Li Sihui with jealous and frenzied eyes. She was definitely his daughter-in-law, but now she has moved on?It's just shameless.

If he couldn't live in the city, he had to go back to the village to farm. He vomited at home for several days. Later, he heard that Li Sihui had become thinner and more beautiful. He didn't believe it at all.

Even if she loses weight, is she not as beautiful?

So he didn't come out to see her, and listened to him a lot these days. 1 Mom came back and said that Li Sihui's family ate meat every day, leaving his house, life is beautiful!
After listening too much, he became angry, so why did he mess up his good deeds, and make her live a better life?
Forgetting the experience of being chased by Li Sihui with a shovel last time, he came angrily to settle accounts with her.

When he saw Li Sihui again, his eyes widened. Could such a beautiful woman be that fat girl?
Those eyebrows, those eyes, that little red mouth, that pretty face, how do you look like that dead fat pig?
"Brother, look at this dead fat pig. Now he runs out of the village every day, and found a man in uniform. This is a shame for you."

Sun Qiuju glared at Li Sihui resentfully. She is also a big girl, she is seventeen this year, and she also wants to find a good husband.

Li Sihui, who was trampled and bullied by her before, has become so beautiful that all the girls in the village have been compared to her, and she has found such a good partner, she has the heart to strangle her.

But knowing how powerful Li Sihui was, she didn't dare to flirt in front of her. She was the eldest brother's daughter-in-law, so it would be best for him to come forward.

Moreover, the partner in the big brother's city was Li Sihui who messed with Huang, and his wish to let the big brother find a partner in the city has also come to nothing. Maybe the dead fat pig still has feelings for the big brother?Otherwise, why would he follow him into the city to pick on Brother Huang's partner?
As long as Li Sihui comes back to Sun's house, someone will do the housework again, she won't have to wash her clothes anymore, and she can eat meat every day, enjoying the life of a young lady.

It's good now, my mother calls her when she starts working, and when the clothes are dirty, I can only wash them by myself, and my hands are rough.

And as long as Li Sihui returns to her eldest brother, maybe this young and handsome man in uniform will be able to take a fancy to her?
"I'll go find her."

Sun Guodong was aroused by his sister, and walked towards Li Sihui's house with big strides.

Today he is wearing a white shirt, dressed in a spirited manner, that dead girl used to love his attire, and every time I look at him, I look like a nympho.

But he forgot that after Li Sihui survived from hanging, she was no longer the former her.

The last time he was also wearing a white shirt to seduce her, but she was almost beaten to death by her.

"Li Sihui, have you forgotten who you are? Don't you dare to show me face and see if I don't beat you to death."

Lines are brewing in my heart, and I feel that it seems too hard to say so.

"Li Sihui, I've thought about it. I still have feelings for you. I won't pursue other matters. Let's live a good life in the future."

Is that too soft?Will she push her nose to her face?

Just thinking about it!The light was blocked by the black shadow, and Li Sihui's cold glacier-like gaze met Li Sihui when he raised his head.

(End of this chapter)

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