Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 267 I have nothing to do with you

Chapter 267 I have nothing to do with you
"Si Hui."

He didn't say a word of the prepared lines, and he was so frightened that he even stuttered when he called her name when she stared at her so coldly.

The person is very beautiful, but it is also very cold. When he gets closer, he feels the chill to the bone. Under her gaze, he can't help shivering.

"Good dogs don't get in the way."

Contempt flashed in Li Sihui's eyes, why did the original owner fall in love with this wretch?She cursed coldly, pushed his dirty hands, walked around him and walked home.

"Why are you swearing? I'm your man, why do you still want to turn the world upside down?"

There were people around watching, Sun Guodong lost all face when being scolded by Li Sihui, the young master became angry again, pointing at her back and yelling.

He was the one who scolded her before, how dare this woman call herself a dog today?He is a high school student and the most promising literati in the village.

"Don't put gold on your face, I have nothing to do with you."

Li Sihui stopped and looked at him sarcastically, is this man stupid?What is a brain puncture?

"If you haven't divorced, you will be my daughter-in-law."

Sun Guodong didn't care about anything else, the daughter-in-law in the city was gone, so he had to keep this beauty in front of him.

After she went back with her, the work at home and in the field would be done again, and he could still enjoy the old days.

No, she was even more blessed than before. She was able to hunt, and his saliva began to drool at the thought of eating meat every day.

"Hey, who do you think you are? The whole village knows about the divorce. The village has ordered you to pay me food. If you don't know, go back and ask you 1. Mom."

Li Sihui sneered and turned around, the loud voice could be heard by everyone around.
Usually, because Sun Guodong is a high school student, he always feels that he is superior to the villagers, so he wants to save face the most.

She just slapped him in the face for everyone to hear, to see if he still had the guts to say no?
"It doesn't count if you and I don't agree."

Sun Guodong had already seen his neighbor pointing fingers at him, so he gritted his teeth and pretended not to see it.

He can't fail at both ends, he must always grasp one end.

"I'm not the kind of person who loves the new and dislikes the old. I still think I should be responsible to you. If I don't mention the divorce, you will be my wife. Don't worry, I will treat you well in the future."

Sun Guodong watched Li Sihui start to make a provocative confession. Although he had nothing to offer compared to that uniformed man, he had a relationship with Li Sihui for four years, so I believe that would be enough.

What can have childhood sweetheart important?Besides, he felt that Li Sihui could at least have a little nostalgia for him, otherwise how could he mess up his partner?

Just for this, she had to stay with him and compensate him for his loss.


Li Sihui felt that it would be a shame to talk to him any more, so she coldly threw him a verb, and walked home without looking back.

Sun Guodong wanted to follow, but when he thought of the uniformed man in her family, his brows furrowed.

He doesn't care who he is?He will never stop robbing his wife.

"Sihui, what's going on?"

Zhou Zixu heard that the voice was wrong, so he walked out of the courtyard. When he saw that it was Sun Guodong, he raised his unruly eyebrows, and looked at him with a hostile look.

Sun Guodong was so frightened that he turned around and left. Regardless of the iron-blooded man in front of him, this kid definitely dared to beat him up.

I heard from my mother that Zhou Changjiang was dealt with very badly by him. I can't handle him with my body, so it's better to run away.

"It's okay, it's just that a toad fell on the foot."

Li Sihui's sarcastic voice was blown into Sun Guodong's ears by the wind, and he gritted his teeth in anger, but he didn't dare to settle accounts with her.

If you change your mind about a dead woman, you really can't have it.

(End of this chapter)

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