Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 268 Are You Still My Son?

Chapter 268 Are You Still My Son?

"If he dares to harass you again, just tell me, I guarantee that his relatives will not recognize him if he beats you."'

He said something to the figure who was slipping away as if fleeing.

Sun Guodong almost fell down when he heard his words.

Sun Qiuju glared at Li Sihui, thinking that she was a shameless woman who hired a wild man to bully her elder brother.

"Come on, go into the courtyard, I'll cook roe deer meat for you."

Li Sihui was too lazy to talk nonsense with the two hundred and five brothers and sisters, and dragged her Teacher Zhou into the hospital.

"If you don't eat, I'll leave right now. The unit still has something to do."

Zhou Zixu shook his head, he took the time to see her today.

He was relieved to see that she was still alive and kicking and could bully others.

"Don't go, take this roe deer back."

Li Sihui frowned and held him back, bringing so much food and not taking anything back, wouldn't she be taking advantage?
"I'm going directly to work, why do I take it with me? You can keep it and eat it! Or make it into jerky, I'll eat it next time."

Zhou Zixu's smile was bright and sunny. She deliberately gave herself a roe deer, and even insisted on bringing it to him. Did she have him in her heart?
"I don't want to owe you favors, either take the roe deer away, or take everything you brought."

The smile on Zhou Zixu's face disappeared little by little, and he looked at Li Sihui with deep eyes, turned around and left without saying a word.


Li Sihui shouted at his back, walking so fast, why do you think he is angry?
Zhou Zixu was very angry, he didn't want her to return the favor, he did it for her voluntarily.

"Remember, if you apply for the exam in half a month, you will be admitted to the art troupe, which is to repay my favor."

Zhou Zixu put one arm out of the car window, turned the car, and found that Li Sihui was still standing there, staring at him blankly, then threw her a word, and drove away.

Li Sihui narrowed her eyes, the dust brought up by the car was too great, and when she opened her eyes again, there was no sign of the jeep.

"Sihui, you want to take the entrance examination for the art troupe?"

Li Laogen put his hands in his sleeves and came over with a smiling face.

The man in uniform brought a lot of food, and he heard that his daughter had shot another roe deer, so he wanted to beg for some meat.


Seeing his sneer, Li Sihui felt disgusted in her heart, cursed, closed the courtyard door, and shut the person out.

Holding a knife in the yard to clean up the roe deer very fast, Li Laogen stood outside the yard and watched, why did she feel that she was holding the knife in a daze?
Remembering the last time she put a knife on her neck, she was panicked, so she had better leave quickly, otherwise, what would this tiger girl do if he got rid of him again?
Li Sihui made a big pot and cooked the meat in the yard.

Zhou Zixu doesn't want it, she can bring it to Grandpa Zhou, and she can also take two pieces to Teacher Wang's house, in short, she won't give a piece of meat to Li Laogen and that bitch.

The smell of meat was wafting in the courtyard. Li Sihui looked at the dancing flames, thinking about what Zhou Zixu had done to her, the kang in the room, and the new clothes he sent.

Recalling that in the previous life, only grandpa was so kind to her, how can he repay the kindness he treated her in this life?
After the meat is stewed, the neighbors around are miserable. They can smell the meat every day, but they can't eat a piece of it.

Li Sihui took a big leg and handed it to her younger brother, and put the rest of the meat in a big basin and put it in the back basket.

"Take a good look at the house, my sister is gone."

She left after she finished speaking, Li Jianguo only had time to nod.

A few minutes after she walked by, Li Laogen sneaked into the yard, saw his son gnawing on the legs of a roe deer, and went over to grab him.

"Give Dad a bite, I haven't eaten for two meals."

"No, my sister said, I'm not allowed to eat it for you."

This time, Li Jianguo was not as obedient as before, and directly hid the roe deer meat behind his back.

"Are you still my son?"

(End of this chapter)

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