Chapter 269 No Next Time
Li Laogen saw that he was too soft, so he moved horizontally, and went to grab it directly.

If you can't get the meat back, your daughter-in-law will be lost.

"No, I won't give it to you, come here! My father robbed me."

Li Jianguo started to shout, Li Laogen slapped him angrily, and five red finger marks appeared on Li Jianguo's face.

He can do it by stealing food from his son, but he can't let the villagers know that he can't afford to lose this man.

"What did I say last time?"

A cold voice sounded behind Li Laogen. Li Sihui stared coldly at Li Laogen's neck, holding a sickle gleaming with cold light in his hand.

"Huh? Dad is just hungry."

Li Laogen was so frightened that he turned around and wanted to run out of the courtyard.

Li Sihui didn't show affection at all, just grabbed him by the neck and threw him into the house, closed the door, and picked up the kitchen knife.

While sharpening the knife, he stared eeriely at his neck.

"Sihui, I am your own father."

Li Laogen was terrified, swallowed his saliva, and played the emotional card while stepping back.

"You also know that you are our own father, and you will give Jianguo the meat I worked so hard to eat, and honor that woman and that litter of wolf cubs?"

Li Sihui smiled, but the smile looked very cold, Li Laogen was even more afraid, he piled up in the corner, looking at the kitchen knife in horror.

"I have to teach you a lesson, or you'll have to make mistakes."

Li Sihui went over with the sharpened knife, and grabbed Li Laogen by the neck.

"Help! Murder!"

Li Laogen yelled in fright, the kitchen knife in Li Sihui's hand was dangling in front of his eyes, the blade was shining, and he pulled his neck and yelled, no longer caring about his face.

But as soon as he yelled, his throat was choked by Li Sihui.

"You know what it feels like when I hang myself. My throat seems to be broken. I can't even breathe. I can only stretch out my tongue desperately. I want to call for help, but it doesn't work. Kicking, yes, but it only hastened my death."

Li Sihui pinched Li Laogen's neck with one hand, and lifted him up against the wall, so that he would not die immediately, but it would make him very uncomfortable, similar to hanging himself.

"I told you before, if you come to grab Li Jianguo's meat again, I will kill you. Look, you are so old, why don't you have a long memory?"

Li Sihui took the sharpened kitchen knife and patted Li Laogen on the face, with a cruel smile on the corner of her mouth, her voice sounded very gentle, as if she was chatting with you.

But this kind of her made Li Laogen even more frightened, he felt that the blood all over his body was rushing to his face, breathing became a luxury, he had to open his mouth wide, and wanted to call for someone to save him,

"Sister, what are you doing? Sister?"

Li Jianguo was locked out by Li Sihui. He couldn't see what was going on in the house, but he heard his father yell for help, and then fell silent.

He was afraid that his sister would do something wrong, and if he really killed his father, his sister would not get better.

So he knocked on the door vigorously, hoping to stop his sister from doing wrong things.

"To shut up."

Li Sihui let out a low growl towards the door, and Li Jianguo was too frightened to say anything.

Li Laogen was terrified. Last time he didn't feel his daughter's killing intent, but this time he really felt it.

His throat seemed to be broken, and he felt that he was going to be strangled to death by his own daughter.

Can't speak, can only look at her praying, tears flow down the corner of his eyes, he doesn't want to die
Li Sihui saw his tears, and the hostility in her heart dissipated. The original owner still has feelings for her father, otherwise her heart wouldn't be throbbing.

Slowly let go, seeing Li Laogen slumped at the base of the wall, said something coldly.

"There is no next time."

(End of this chapter)

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