Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 271 The girl who made Zixu fall in love

Chapter 271 The girl who made Zixu fall in love
"Thank you."

Li Sihui stood up to thank her, with a slight smile on the corner of her mouth, now that she knows, sometimes it's hard, so it's better to pretend to be pitiful and learn more.

She has a good memory, she remembered the way to Zhou Zixu's house clearly, and she was standing at the door of his house soon.


She knocked on the door twice and waited quietly.

"come in!"

It was Aunt Su who opened the door, and she saw Li Sihui's clothes at a glance, it was her craftsmanship.

Let Zixu come to ask her to help make clothes, this little girl holds a very important position in his heart.

After Li Sihui entered the room, she stood at the door and looked into the room. Aunt Su found slippers for her. She hesitated for a moment and changed her cloth shoes.

Aunt Su noticed that patches were piled on top of her socks, her eyes flickered, and she let Li Sihui into the living room.

"Master, this girl is looking for Zixu,"

She gave Mr. Zhou a wink, meaning that this was the girl I was talking about, who made Zixu fall in love with her.

"Grandpa, this is the roe deer meat I gave you, and this jar of honey is also for you."

When facing Mr. Zhou, Li Sihui showed great respect. She put the wild honey taken out of the space capsule on the table.

Grandpa used this honey urgently last time, and I hope he can use it this time.

"Thank you, sit down."

Mr. Zhou smiled warmly, and pointed to the sofa for Li Sihui to sit down.

"Xiao Su, pour some tea for this little girl."

Aunt Su looked at the pot of meat, and remembered the meat that had been put in sand last time. After bringing it to the kitchen, she checked it carefully, and she was relieved that there was indeed nothing there.

After bringing out the tea, I saw that the old man had already chatted with Li Sihui.

"Girl! Why are you so polite?"

"Grandpa, last time I traded honey for your family's food, did you forget me, that fat man, the girl who the doctor said would not live long."

When Li Sihui was talking to the old man, she kept smiling and seemed to have a very good temper.

The old man has also been watching her secretly. When the girl entered the room, her complexion was cold, and her eyes were even colder, giving off a feeling of aloofness. It was a bit like Zixu's expression, and she looked very bad-tempered.

But when talking to himself, his attitude has always been very respectful, maybe it's because of Zixu?

Hearing Li Sihui mention the fat girl who exchanged food with her, the old man was unavoidably surprised even though he was well-informed.

"It's only been more than a month, why have you changed so much? I remember that Dr. Tang said that your life is not long, it seems to be a year of life, right?"

Mr. Zhou had a good memory, he felt sympathy for that fat girl at the time, and her performance surprised him, so he kept thinking about it in his heart.

"Yes, it's the prescription given by Doctor Tang, which cured my illness. By the way, Zhou Zixu gave me the medicine, and it also saved Zhao Jinchen."

Seeing that the old man still remembered her, Li Sihui's happy eyes lit up, the smile on her lips grew stronger, and she talked more.

It felt like going back to the time when she was with grandpa. At that time, she was protected by grandpa and she was carefree all day long.

But after he died, there was no one to protect her, and she became a lonely orphan.

"Zixu is a kind child. Don't look at him as a fool on the surface, but in fact he is using it to hide the pain in his heart."

Hearing that the grandson saved the girl, the old man said something with emotion, and he said it to Li Sihui on purpose.

Since the grandson cared so much about her, this girl might be able to untie the knot in his heart.

When Li Sihui heard the old man's words, she couldn't help but look at him. That Zhou Zixu, who was always smiling all day long, could have any pain?
(End of this chapter)

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