Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 272 He Treats You Differently

Chapter 272 He Treats You Differently
His smile was bright and sunny, and he didn't seem to have a heart disease at all. He was ruffian and out of shape.

"Well, when the child was three years old, a big incident happened. He went to the street with his mother and elder brother. The child was mischievous and ran to the street. A fast car came head-on. His mother was killed in order to save him. Zisong cried and asked Zixu to return his mother. From that day on, Zixu locked himself in the house without eating or drinking. The three-year-old child did not cry to find his mother, but curled up in the corner of the bed. daze."

Mr. Zhou didn't wait for Li Sihui to ask, looked into her bright eyes, and talked about the past leisurely.

The daughter-in-law also seems to have such bright and penetrating eyes, she always smiles softly, and has always had a good relationship with her family.

Sighing, he continued:

"It was an accident. Zixu felt that he had hurt his mother, and his father refused to forgive Zixu. At that time, he taught him very seriously. When my daughter-in-law was going to attend the funeral, Zixu fainted. After waking up , become him now, using a smile to cover up the pain in his heart, deliberately acting like a fool, girl, grandpa hopes that you can let him untie his knot, and truly be happy."

Mr. Zhou told Li Sihui all the things. He kept these words in his heart for 20 years. His son didn't want to go home because he didn't want to see Zixu. Could it be that he hated him for making him lose his mother.

Li Sihui listened quietly, and what flashed in her mind was the picture of asking Zhou Zixu to kill the rabbit. He seemed to be afraid of blood. Afterwards, he smoked a cigarette and looked at the night sky with such a lonely expression. At that time, she thought he was scared by killing the rabbit.

"Grandpa, did Zixu's mother shed a lot of blood when she died?"

She suddenly asked, if that was the case, wouldn't it be too cruel for her to ask Zhou Zixu to kill the rabbit?

"Yes, there is blood all over the floor, and Zixu is sitting in a pool of blood stupidly. Since that day, he has been afraid of seeing blood."

Mr. Zhou sighed. No one else knew how good his grandson was, but he knew it best.

In the team, he seemed to be dawdling and muddling along, but every time the unit trained and assessed, his grades were among the best, and every time he competed in skills, he could get awards, so he was promoted to deputy at a young age. team leader.

Grandpa knew that he had put in a lot of hard work behind the scenes, and behind the mask of a hippie smile was the real him.

"Grandpa, why are you telling me this?"

Li Sihui was silent for a few seconds, picked up the teacup and drank it down.

When she looked at the old man, she asked the doubts in her heart.Grandpa's words made her realize that she was a little too cold to Zhou Zixu before, and she never had good words to him.

"Because he treats you differently. He said that for a girl, he wants to change himself. Grandpa thought, he should be talking about you, girl, grandpa hopes you promise me, don't rush to reject Zixu, give him time, He will surprise you."

The old man looked at Li Sihui wisely. He had worked so hard for his grandson.

He didn't want his grandson to torture himself like before, it seemed like he was playing with the world, but he didn't have any feelings for any girl.

He was very pleased that the girl in front of him had the ability to change him.

"Grandpa, I don't have the relationship with him as you think. We are friends."

Li Sihui swallowed, feeling that the burden her grandfather placed on her was too heavy, and she couldn't bear it.

"Girl, trust Grandpa, Zixu treats you differently."

Mr. Zhou smiled. Zixu now goes out early and returns late, training hard, just to surprise this girl, right?

(End of this chapter)

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