Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 280 Don't Be Too Stiff

Chapter 280 Don't Be Too Stiff

Li Sihui pursed her lips. She actually wanted to take this opportunity to change her surname, but the village chief said that he couldn't do it at the moment. Her father strongly opposed it, and advised her to pay attention to family relations and not to make too much trouble, which would be troublesome.

Silently picked up the porridge and drank it, and she ate the eggs without hesitation, otherwise she would not be hungry enough to drink it.

Zhou Zixu put the eggs in the bowl into her bowl: "I eat meat, you eat eggs."

Li Sihui was too fat before, but now she looks too thin and wants her to supplement nutrition.

Li Sihui looked at the egg covered with millet grains, but didn't make a sound, picked it up and ate it.

She had the experience of starvation in the last days, and she couldn't bear to waste it.

And she found that she didn't dislike Zhou Zixu, even if it was the cup he drank from, she didn't feel uncomfortable picking it up to drink.

Zhou Zixu watched her eat the egg he had picked up, and there was warmth in his brows and eyes, she didn't miss him at all.

Just thinking about it, Li Sihui suddenly said something.

"When you have time, teach me how to draw!"

"Okay, but you still need to learn culture first, a little bit, drawing requires basics, I will teach you slowly."

The smile on Zhou Zixu's lips grew stronger, which provided a great opportunity to get close to her.

When Zhao Yuying heard that Zhou Zixu was coming, she hurriedly tidied herself up at home and ran to look for him.

As soon as he entered the yard, he saw him smiling brightly at Li Sihui, with doting eyes, different from the coldness when he looked at her.

It was as if I had knocked over the jar of vinegar in my heart, it was extremely uncomfortable.

"Ahem, Brother Zhou, are you here to pick me up for today's unit exam?"

She purposely didn't say our name, and smiled sweetly at Zhou Zixu pretending to be affectionate, twisting her fingers around her braid, like a girl in love, seeing the shy expression of her lover.

"Of course not, I'm here to pick up Sihui."

The smile on Zhou Zixu's face disappeared, and he poured a basin of cold water on her to wake up the nympho.

"Brother Zhou, you promised my brother that I would be admitted to the art team."

Zhao Yuying became angry from embarrassment. Did Zhou Zixu disrespect her a bit? (She didn't even think about it, why should people give her face? How old is she?)
"Wrong, I just said to help you sign up, whether you pass the exam or not is your own business."

Zhou Zixu quickly threw the last piece of dried venison into his mouth, and made a stop gesture with his hand.

With her out-of-key voice, she really went to sing to the leaders of the department. The scene was unimaginable, and the audience probably had to cover their ears.

"Then it's okay to take me for a ride?"

Zhao Yuying gritted her teeth, she said she had to take his car today, otherwise, could the examiner in charge give her the green light?
"This? You'll have to ask her."

With a harmless smile on his face, Zhou Zixu blinked at Li Sihui and threw the ball to her.

"I do not care."

Li Sihui lowered her head to drink the porridge, her face was as cold as ice and snow melting in early spring, she was simply angry.

"See, sister, you'd better go on your own!"

Zhou Zixu shrugged. He could treat Zhao Yuying well for Zhao Jinchen's face, but the premise was that she wouldn't be an idiot.

"I don't care, I have to go by car, otherwise the shoes will be covered with dirt, and the examiner will look down on me then."

Zhao Yuying saw the interaction between the two of them, and found out why Zhou Zixu and Li Sihui looked like they were dating?
He asked her everything, and then Li Sihui seemed jealous?
Regardless of standing in front of the car, she only had this one chance to leave the countryside, and she had to seize it firmly.

"Hey, are you Zhao Jinchen's biological sister?"

Zhou Zixu stood up, really couldn't believe it, Zhao Jinchen's boring gourd could have a rogue sister?

(End of this chapter)

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