Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 281 Is He Wronged?

Chapter 281 Is He Wronged?
"Of course we are brothers and sisters, Brother Zhou, you're going to be late, take me with you! The car is so big, there is room for me to sit."

The hard ones are the soft ones, Zhao Yuying looked at Zhou Zixu with tears in her eyes, and those who didn't know thought she was being pissed at the Li family!
"Jianguo, look after the house, my sister is gone."

Lu Sihui didn't bother to watch her performance, so she glared at Zhou Zixu, because he caused trouble again.

Zhou Zixu raised his eyebrows innocently, and made a wronged expression towards her. Was he wronged?
After entering the village, she went directly to Li Sihui's house without even looking at Zhao's house. How did Zhao Yuying know that he was here?

Just like that, Zhao Yuying got into the car without hesitation, but she felt a little proud of herself.

Because she saw that Li Sihui was angry with Zhou Zixu, looking out of the window, and she didn't pay much attention to what he said.

I'm happy, it's better that you scold Zhou Zixu, so that he will give up on her.

"This dress fits you well. Aunt Su's craftsmanship is pretty good. I'll ask her to do it for you next time."

Zhou Zixu had nothing to say, and seeing that Li Sihui was wearing the clothes he gave her today, he was in a particularly good mood.

"Aunt Su made it for you?"

Li Sihui glanced at him, and the middle-aged woman who looked at her coldly appeared in front of her eyes. She didn't seem to like herself, so why would she still help her make clothes?
"Aunt Su is actually pretty good. She has a knife mouth and a bean curd heart. Once you are the director, you will know. She grew up with me. I am basically similar to my mother."

At the end of Zhou Zixu's speech, the smile in his eyes dissipated, and his original good mood suddenly became depressed.

"Thank her for helping me."

Li Sihui looked at Zhou Zixu, and she could only see his side face from her position. Even so, she could feel his sadness, so she hurriedly changed the subject.

Do you have to torture yourself for a lifetime for the mistakes you made when you were a child?
"He gave you your clothes? Brother Zhou, why don't you give them to me?"

When Zhao Yuying in the back seat heard that the clothes were sent by Zhou Zixu, she immediately became jealous and questioned Zhou Zixu with her mouth pouting.

"Hey, pull it down! If you want clothes, go to your elder brother, or your parents, I don't know you well, okay?"

Zhou Zixu sneered, this is obviously going to happen, isn't this girl a bit thick-skinned?
"I met you first, Brother Zhou. She was still fat. Fat at that time!"

Zhao Yuying was very reconciled, she was the one who met Zhou Zixu first, why did he fall in love with Li Sihui?
It should be that Li Sihui came to seduce him because she became more attractive, it must be.

"So what? She was still a sick person at the time, and she was able to save your brother. She has a beautiful heart. Does appearance matter? She looks like a fairy, and she throws sand into her flesh, and her heart is dark. Who would care about it?"

Zhou Zixu stabbed her a few words, "Know each other first and then know each other?"It's as if I fell in love with her and then empathized with her.

Why does this sound so awkward?

"That's the sand she threw into the meat, what does it matter to me?"

Zhao Yuying's pretty face flushed, she couldn't even admit to death, it was originally intended to frame Li Sihui, if she confessed, wouldn't she have dug a hole and buried herself?

The jeep screeched and pulled over to the side of the road.

"Get out of the car, don't use your elder brother to pressure me. No matter how good our relationship is, it doesn't mean I have to endure you."

Zhou Zixu drove Zhao Yuying out of the car mercilessly, and was not afraid of doing wrong things, but she simply had bad intentions and framed Sihui, which cannot be tolerated.

Up to now he has made it clear that she is still relying on Sihui, it is simply hopeless.

"Are you going to throw me here?"

(End of this chapter)

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