Chapter 282

There was still half way to the city, surrounded by forests, Zhao Yuying was afraid to get off at such a place.

"My car won't pull you. Find a way to go by yourself."

Zhou Zixu couldn't feel pity for her. He liked open and upright people, such as Zhao Jinchen, but he had his own principles, and Zhao Yuying touched his bottom line.

"Brother Zhou, you can't throw me here. Someone was robbed in the village a few days ago."

Zhao Yuying couldn't care less about rubbing her forehead. Zhou Zixu slammed on the brakes just now, and she was unprepared and bumped into the front seat. She was still a little dizzy at the moment.

"Let's go! Don't waste time because of her."

Li Sihui, who had been watching Zhao Yuying's performance, suddenly said that she was not pleading for Zhao Yuying, but because she was afraid that if she would stay in the car, Zhou Zixu would waste time with her and delay her exam time.

Zhou Zixu glanced at Li Sihui, then looked at his watch, started the engine and started on the road again, but this time he ignored Zhao Yuying, pretending that she didn't exist.

The air pressure in the car was very cold. Zhou Zixu smiled brightly, but when he was angry, he was chilled all over, with sharp eyebrows and eyes, which made people frightened.

Zhao Yuying, who secretly looked at Zhou Zixu in the interior mirror along the way, was a little afraid to look at him now, and turned her face to look out the car window, reducing her sense of existence.

The venue for the unit's recruitment of literary and art team members borrowed the venue of the county's literary and art team. Teacher Wang naturally welcomed it with both hands, and the county also gave the green light for the whole process.

A lot of people came to take the exam today. It is such an honor to be a female singer. Even Fang Fang, the pillar of the county art team, signed up for the exam.

Because there are professionals taking the exam, girls from rural areas who apply for the exam are very nervous. How can they compare with others?
There are only three places in a county, and there are dozens of people who come to take the exam. Can this pass?
"Take your number plate, and whoever you call will go in."

Teacher Wang helped to maintain discipline and assigned a number to everyone who came to take the exam, which was easier to call.

There are too many people coming, and it is slow to call names.

"I'm NO.18, which is very auspicious. What's your number?"

After Zhao Yuying arrived here, her palms were sweaty from nervousness, and she forgot about the unpleasantness in the car, so she took her number and went to see Li Sihui's.

"Number 23, you are behind me, odd numbers seem unlucky, don't you?"

Seeing that Li Sihui ignored her, she went up to look at it, and saw that Li Sihui was holding the number 23, curled her lips to blow her confidence.

"Sihui, don't listen to her, let's play well."

Zhou Zixu glared at Zhao Yuying, and found that she was a bit obsessed with eating and not beating, and was disgustingly sticky.

Fearing that Li Sihui would be disturbed by her and affect the exam, he encouraged her.

"I know."

Li Sihui glanced at him, saw encouragement in his bright eyes, and felt a little strange in her heart.

It's like a lost person who suddenly finds the exit, and when he sees him, he doesn't feel nervous at all, only relaxed.

"Yuying, your red silk, Brother Zhou is here."

Fang Fang walked over with a red silk bag, with a gentle smile on her lips, looking at Zhou Zixu with joy in her eyes.

She had been thinking about him for several days, and this man seemed to have evaporated from the world.

Zhao Yuying assured her that she would definitely bring him today, and she really brought him. Could she not be happy?

Thinking that she would be able to overwhelm the crowd in a while, stand out, and let him see her demeanor on the stage, the smile on the corner of Fang Fang's mouth grew stronger.

"Ah hello."

Contrary to her enthusiasm, Zhou Zixu saw that she was indifferent and looked distant, so he just nodded politely to her, and stopped talking, and had no intention of continuing the conversation at all.

"Brother Zhou, I heard that you are busy with training recently? Why do you have time to come today?"

 Thank you for your support, I saw that there are many old readers of mine in the message, thank you for your continuous support, love you guys~
(End of this chapter)

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