Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 283 Playing Her Like a Monkey

Chapter 283 Playing Her Like a Monkey
"I'll take her exam with her."

Zhou Zixu glanced at her indifferently, how did she know that she was busy with training?
Pointing at Li Sihui next to her, she directly pointed out who she was here to accompany, so as not to confuse Zhao Yuying there.

"Ah? Didn't you come to accompany your cousin?"

The smile on Fang Fang's face couldn't be maintained any longer, and she gave Zhao Yuying a hard look. It was so hard for her to lie to herself!

"Her? My cousin? I think you misunderstood. Her brother is my comrade. We are not related."

Zhou Zixu was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and glanced at Zhao Yuying. Seeing her lower her head in embarrassment, she immediately understood what was going on, and hurriedly clarified their relationship.

"Oh? Is that so?"

Fang Fang looked at Zhao Yuying and gritted her teeth, playing her like a monkey, she underestimated this rural girl.

He wanted to snatch the red silk back from her hand, but saw that she had already hid behind Zhou Zixu. She didn't want to destroy her impression in Zhou Zixu's mind, so she gritted her teeth, and she would settle accounts with her later.

"No. 18, let's go in!"

The dozen or so girls in front all came out dejectedly, and it seemed that they hadn't passed. When Teacher Wang called NO.18, Zhao Yuying was startled.

"I, I am NO.18."

After hearing Teacher Wang yelling again, she came to her senses and squeezed out from the crowd with her hands up, holding the red silk tightly in her hands.
"It's you! Go in! Take it easy."

When Teacher Wang saw that it was her, he said a word of comfort, and then let her into the room.

"I taught her dance!"

Fang Fang approached Zhou Zixu as if chatting. There were actually two meanings in what she said. I can teach others, which proves that I am excellent. The other meaning is that I taught her for your sake.

The fact is the same, Zhao Yuying didn't lie to her, saying that she is Zhou Zixu's cousin, can she teach her?

In the room, Zhao Yuying followed the dance moves Fang Fang taught her, waving the red silk with both hands, spinning softly, and the red silk was flying, looking very happy, and finally ended with a beautiful flying movement.

"Report, I'm done dancing."

Panting heavily, she looked at the examiner anxiously. It was a woman with short hair combed to the ear and a cold face. From the beginning of her dancing to the end, her expression did not change.

"Go home and wait for the notice."

Zhou Zixu's aunt, Zhou Yanhong, wrote down Zhao Yuying's name in the notebook.

She thinks she can dance well, a little girl from the countryside, that's all right.

When she finished writing the name, her eyes flickered. The name was somewhat familiar, as if it was the younger sister that Zixu had mentioned to her comrade.

She raised her eyes and glanced at Zhao Yuying again. She was pretty good looking. The image of Xiaojiabiyu was quite clever and she danced well. She added an emphasis symbol after her name.


He waved his hand and asked Mr. Wang to call NO.19 to play.

"I'm Zhou Zixu's friend, who is your aunt?"

Zhao Yuying was not reconciled to leaving like this, she walked over to ask a question, mainly because there were three people sitting behind the table, and they seemed to be the middle age in terms of age, which seemed to make sense, so she looked at her ask.

"Comrade, it's not about relationships, it's about ability. Do you know the basic skills?"

Zhou Yanhong was a little upset, why is this girl talking nonsense in front of the team?
Frowning at her, he gave her another problem.

"I will, you see."

Zhao Yuying hurriedly leaned back, and when she lowered her waist, she still felt pain, but she gritted her teeth and endured it.

Immediately afterwards, I did a split leg. The leg looked a little stiff and the movement was not in place.

"Okay, go back and wait for the notice!"

(End of this chapter)

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