Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 284 Competition in the Exam Room

Chapter 284 Competition in the Exam Room
Zhou Yanhong nodded, there was room for cultivation, and she waved her hand to let her go out first.

Zhao Yuying stood up hesitantly, and wanted to ask if she could be admitted, but seeing Zhou Yanhong's stern gaze, she swallowed the words again.

Depressedly leaving the examination room, she felt uneasy. She had tried her best. Could it be that she still couldn't leave the countryside?

Fang Fang looked at her coldly, feeling much more at ease, this liar, if she passed the exam, how much would she vomit?

Li Sihui didn't go to see her, but was still thinking about the song she would play for today's competition. Teacher Wang helped her choose a song that was popular at the time "Sing a Folk Song for You". Teacher Wang told her to sing it with emotion , so that it can shine.

"Brother Zhou, please help me talk! I don't seem to have passed the exam."

Zhao Yuying came to Zhou Zixu with a sad face, but this time she was really about to cry.

"I can only help you sign up. As I said at the beginning, whether you succeed or not depends on your own grades. I have also found the teacher who should be found for you. There is nothing else I can do."

Zhou Zixu directly sealed the door, not giving her a chance.

He felt that Zhao Yuying's character was really not suitable for a big family like an art troupe, she was too selfish and willful.

"Brother Zhou, just help me!"

Zhao Yuying anxiously went over to pull Zhou Zixu's arm, coaxing him to help her as if she was coquettish with her mother at home.

Zhou Zixu dodged to avoid her hand, and taught her with a cold face: "It doesn't matter if I'm a man in public. It's too undignified for you to be a girl. Go home and wait for the news! If you don't pass the exam this year, you won't pass the exam next year." Come again."

Zhao Yuying looked at him with tears in her eyes, feeling terribly wronged in her heart, she is this year, what if the family gets married next year?
She didn't want to find a rural man to be her husband, and spend her whole life facing the loess with her back to the sky. Her sweetheart was Zhou Zixu, but he obviously didn't like her.

Otherwise, why don't you help?The eldest brother is also true, if he is willing to help him beg Zhou Zixu, then he will definitely go all out to help him enter the art team.

"Sihui, don't be nervous, there are three places this year!"

Tears were streaming down her side, but Zhou Zixu didn't even look at her, and turned to comfort Li Sihui and ease her tension.

Although Li Sihui came from the last days, she was bold and cautious, but she was still a little nervous about an exam like today.

This is not only related to herself. If she fails the exam, her younger brother will not be able to study.

Glancing at Zhou Zixu who encouraged her, she nodded firmly. If she failed the exam, Zhou Zixu's hard work would be in vain, and at the same time, she was sorry for Teacher Wang's careful cultivation.

"number 23."

Teacher Wang walked out of the examination room, looked at Li Sihui and shouted with encouragement in her eyes. She had checked Li Sihui's number before, and she really cared about Li Sihui.

"Just play steadily and pay attention to your feelings."

When Li Sihui came to her side, Teacher Wang lowered his voice to comfort her.

She knew Li Sihui's level, and after studying with her for so long, there shouldn't be any major problems.

"Thank you, Teacher Wang."

Li Sihui nodded, took a deep breath, and strode into the examination room.

Zhou Zixu followed directly to enter the house, but was stopped by Teacher Wang: "Don't make trouble, the exam is coming!"

"I go in and don't talk, just take a look."

Zhou Zixu smiled and pleaded with Mr. Wang.

"That's fine, but don't interfere with Li Sihui's exam."

Teacher Wang told him in a low voice, when this kid begged for help with a smile, few people could refuse him.

"What's your name."

Zhou Yanhong asked as a matter of routine. She had a good impression of Li Sihui since she entered the room.

The atmosphere is stable, the eyes are bright, and she is not as timid as the previous girls.

As soon as he finished asking, he saw his nephew sneaking into the room.

(End of this chapter)

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