Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 292 The Sun in My Life

Chapter 292 The Sun in My Life

"What are you doing for me? It's your own thing to win, not for anyone else."

Li Sihui looked at him strangely, always feeling that Zhou Zixu seemed to be angry.

"No, I'm just cheering you up. You are the sun in my life. You appeared too timely to fish me out of the ice hole."

Zhou Zixu returned to his hippie smile again, his words were a bit ambiguous, his eyes were a little too focused, it seemed that his hippie smile was fake.

"I have the ability to warm myself first."

Li Sihui pouted and stopped looking at him, picked up the soda and drank it, it was so sweet!From the mouth has been sweet to the stomach.

After that day, Zhou Zixu disappeared again, while Li Sihui waited for her admission notice.

Since Li Laogen was scared by his daughter last time, he never came to make trouble again, and lived a peaceful life.

It's just that Li Sihui has one more problem. Sometimes she will casually look at the gate of the courtyard. Those two green jeeps haven't come for several days.

Zhao Yuying fell ill after returning home, emotionally frustrated, and the fate of the publicity team test was uncertain. She couldn't bear the torment of anxiety, so she lay on the kang and pretended to be dead.

"All commune members, please pay attention, the plan of a year lies in spring, and the harvest of a year lies in autumn. The harvested land tells us that we should focus on geming, promote production, and harvest more food is our contribution."

Today is a crisp autumn day, and the village head Zhao Yaozu stood on the high platform of the threshing ground, making a general mobilization to the dark crowd of people below.

"It's time to test us. The autumn harvest is the most important thing. No one can give me the chain at this time, otherwise I will deduct three times your work points."

After the ideological mobilization was completed, he began to threaten to take back the crops in the field before the autumn rains came.

It is best to have a bumper harvest, and to pay more grain to the national grain bank, that is a contribution!

"Okay, now let's start assigning tasks. The women will break the corn, and the men will follow me to pick up potatoes and beets. Let's roll up our arms and sleeves and contribute to the new socialist countryside."

After Zhao Yaozu finished mobilizing, he began to assign tasks. Li Sihui and his younger brother stood in the crowd with baskets on their shoulders.

She didn't care about the little food, but the village chief said that the Sun family would pay her back the food for the past four years, but in the end it was nothing. If she didn't come to work to earn food, her family would have no food.

Sell ​​jerky like last time?Getting caught once doesn't mean you won't get caught forever.

Hearing that the men were going to the potato field together, Li Sihui had no choice but to let her brother out of her sight.

But she still glared at Li Laogen and Zhou Changjiang, who dares to bully Jianguo, let alone she is rude.

Li Lanni followed behind Li Sihui angrily. I heard that she went to the art team?
Damn girl, doesn't she even look at who she is?Dare to go to the art team, not afraid of embarrassment.

In her mind, it was impossible for Li Sihui to pass the exam.

Zhao Yuying was also dragged away from home by her father. Grabbing the autumn harvest is also a major task in the countryside. Whether she can show her face in the commune depends on the next few days!

Seeing Li Sihui standing pretty in the crowd, she was able to outshine so many girls.

Putting on the headscarf, she took the initiative to find Li Lanni with the basket on her shoulders.

"We are in a group, I think you are simple and honest."

Her voice was loud, and she looked at Li Sihui and said, Liu Jingyun, who was standing beside Li Lanni, immediately burst into a smile.

"You know my Lanny very well. She has a real heart and is always bullied."

When she was talking, she was looking at Li Sihui. This damn girl made her smell the meat but not eat it.

Li Laogen was a wimp, and after being frightened by her, she dared not go to Li Jianguo again. Seeing Li Sihui's happy life, she ground her teeth in hatred.

(End of this chapter)

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