Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 293 I have a good idea

Chapter 293 I have a good idea
Of course, he seized any opportunity and never forgot to step on his stepdaughter. Although he knew it was useless, he just said it quickly.

"Well, auntie, I'm in the same group as Li Lanni. She's not as ambitious as some people. When she sees something good, she posts it herself. She's shameless."

Zhao Yuying cooperates with Liu Jingyun. These days, she feels that Li Sihui fell in love with Zhou Zixu, and because of her good looks, she snatched away the opportunity that belonged to her to join the art team.

The more she didn't get the admission notice, the more she hated Li Sihui, but fortunately, she didn't get it, and she didn't seem to get it either.

From my father's mouth, I didn't hear that there was a notice from the art team.

In short, if I can't go, I naturally hope that she can't go. The best result is that I am admitted to the art team, and she loses her name.

Li Guozhu narrowed his eyes and stared at Li Jianguo, and he wanted to clean him up in a while, so that he could honestly bring him the meat in the future.

Li Sihui really didn't notice him, she had forgotten about this person after not seeing him for a month.

The women were led by the women's director, a middle-aged woman with neat short hair, who looked like a shrewd and strong woman.

"Women comrades, we can't let men compete. Now men and women are equal. Women can hold up half the sky. Now listen to my assignment. Each person will have three ridges and walk along the ridges. No corn will fall. I will check in a while. Check. If anyone cheats on the work points, I will write down your name and punish you three times."

Her mobilizing and threatening words made the shrews in the village curl their lips and didn't pay attention to her words at all.

Now it's a big pot of rice, who doesn't want to muddle along and dawdle?

The ditches were allotted to each person. Coincidentally, Li Sihui, Zhao Yuying and Li Lanni were next to each other.

"You three little girls, supervise each other, and don't be lazy."

After finishing the assignment, the women's director noticed that something was wrong. The Li family sisters seemed to be very stiff, so they looked at Zhao Yuying and talked.

Her intention was obvious, that Zhao Yuying should supervise the Li family sisters and prevent them from fighting.

After assigning tasks, Li Sihui went into her ditch with a basket on her shoulders. The other women were all wearing thick long sleeves and scarves to wrap themselves tightly.

Li Sihui didn't know that she needed these, so she just wore that coarse red shirt and worked with her head bare.

Not long after walking, Baomi Yezi cut her face, which hurt her heart.

She frowned and glanced around, feeling an impulse in her heart to just release the robot in the space capsule.

But in the end, I held back and honestly broke the corn.

Zhao Yuying quietly went to find Li Lanni, and the two discussed how to make Li Sihui unlucky.

"No, just throw corn on the ridge she is in charge of?"

Li Lanni rolled her eyes and thought of a bad idea.

"This way, at most, she will be punished. How can she make a fool of herself?"

Zhao Yuying ground her teeth, she couldn't think of a better way.

"That is to make her naked for the whole village to see, which is shameful."

Even though Li Lanni looks good, she has a very serious heart.

"It's impossible. She's so powerful that no man can beat her. Can the two of us snatch her clothes?"

Li Lanni narrowed her eyes, she thought of that handsome man in uniform again, if he knew she was a dishonest woman, would he still protect her like that?

He lowered his voice and said to Zhao Yuying.

"I have a great idea, but you have to help me."

(End of this chapter)

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