Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 294 Who is it?stand out

Chapter 294 Who is it?stand out
"What a good idea? Tell me and listen."

Zhao Yuying was very happy to hear that, she didn't give up on Zhou Zixu, thinking that as long as Li Sihui didn't have him, he would be able to fall in love with her.

"This way, do you think it will work?"

"I think it's okay, but can he agree?"

"I can figure out how to do this?"

After Li Lanni revealed her poisonous plan, Zhao Yuying's eyes lit up, but she felt that it was difficult.

Li Lanni pulled her and bit her ear again, Zhao Yuying smiled and nodded after listening.

"Okay, I will cooperate with you."

He promised well, but he looked at Li Lanni with fear.

At such a young age, looking sluggish, with vicious thoughts?
"I'll go find him in a while, and you go to Li Sihui."

Li Lanni didn't see the fear in Zhao Yuying's eyes, she was still giving instructions, Zhao Yuying nodded in agreement, and the two split up.

"Li Sihui, your brother was beaten, and he's in the woods behind the potato field."

Li Sihui had just poured the broken basket of corn onto the ground when Aunt Liu hurried over and called out to her out of breath.

"where is it?"

Li Sihui knew that those people would not be honest, and was afraid that her younger brother would suffer, so she dropped the basket and ran away.

"It's in the back mountain!"

Aunt Liu gave another order behind her.

She didn't lie, she really saw Li Jianguo being dragged backwards by Zhou Changjiang and Li Guozhu. If the two guys really fought, Li Jianguo would definitely suffer.

She also went to Li Laogen, but he pretended to be deaf and dumb, and didn't care at all.

She had no choice but to call Li Sihui.

At this time, there are almost no people on the ground, and they are all busy in the field!Everyone has a task, and naturally they are afraid that they will not be able to finish it.

Li Sihui ran towards the mountain like an arrow, and didn't pay attention to her feet at all. After entering the back mountain, she suddenly fell into a pit as deep as a person, and the soil fell down with a rush, Li Sihui couldn't even open her eyes.

After finally getting rid of the soil on her head, she opened her eyes to observe carefully, and found that the hole looked like it had been dug not long ago, and the walls were so smooth that it was impossible to climb it. She tried, but there was no place to start.

"is there anybody?"

Li Sihui scratched the dirt off her head, spat on the ground several times, raised her head and shouted towards the top of the pit.

He yelled several times in a row, but got no response, but called a shovel and quickly threw soil into the pit.

"Who is it? Stand up."

She yelled angrily, but the other party didn't show his face at all, and the speed of filling the pit was even faster. Was this trying to bury her alive?

Li Sihui didn't dare to delay, and took out an elevator in the space capsule, but the people on it didn't pay attention to her, so they were busy throwing dirt.

She stepped on the elevator with one foot and was sent to the edge of the pit. The elevator was loaded back into the space capsule, and when she was about to jump up, she saw Zhou Changjiang smashing down viciously with a shovel.

She grabbed the edge of the pit with both hands, and there was no way to fight back. Seeing the shovel hitting her head with the sound of the wind, she could only jump into the pit again.

"Zhou Changjiang, do you want to kill someone? Come on, kill someone."

Li Sihui yelled loudly, it would be easy if she knew who it was, she was working in the fields at this time, and someone would come to rescue her when she heard the yelling.

Zhou Changjiang panicked, and stood by the pit and slapped her on the head with a shovel. The pit was too narrow, and Li Sihui couldn't do anything, and was very embarrassed for a while.

She was unwilling to be beaten to death by him just like that. When he smashed down the shovel again, she hurriedly grabbed the handle of the shovel and pulled it down hard.

Zhou Changjiang didn't stop, and fell towards the bottom of the pit, throwing Li Sihui into the pit.

(End of this chapter)

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