Chapter 313 Unforgettable
"This is a person. If you put a horizontal line on top of the person, it becomes a big character. Do you remember?"

Zhou Zixu looked at the first-grade books and felt that he was a bit like a kindergarten teacher. It was too troublesome to teach from scratch.

"Hehe, Sihui, do you want to learn too?"

Hearing the sound of the door, Zhou Zixu turned his head quickly and smiled brightly at Lu Sihui.


Lu Sihui nodded earnestly. She actually knows how to read, but she still wants to learn from the basics. In the last days, it was just a little taught by her grandfather, which is very general.

"Come on, sit here."

Zhou Zixu gave her his seat. There was not even a table in the room. The kang table was made by Zhao Jinchen. The wooden boards were very rough.

When Lu Sihui was studying, she respected Zhou Zixu very much.

She looked at him politely, and listened carefully to every word he uttered.

"Okay, add a horizontal line above the big characters, this Niantian, do you see what you don't understand?"

Zhou Zixu did not dare to teach more, fearing that the two sisters would not be able to accept it.

He put pinyin on the words, and he didn't know the characters, and he could read pinyin almost as well.


Lu Sihui can basically listen to it once, and she thinks it is very simple, but Jianguo is a bit more difficult. Fortunately, he is diligent enough to write more if he doesn't know it.

"Sihui, if you join the art team in the future, you must know how to read, otherwise, you won't even be able to remember the lyrics."

Zhou Zixu was actually very strange. Lu Sihui seemed to be uneducated, but how did she remember the lyrics?

"I usually don't forget it after hearing it once."

Lu Sihui looked up at Zhou Zixu. She was not proud, but really had a photographic memory. Teacher Wang only taught her the lyrics once, and she memorized them.

"Okay, our Sihui is a genius."

Zhou Zixu praised her with a smile, this is not perfunctory for her, Sihui is really smart, staying in the countryside has delayed her.

"Teach me something new. When you leave, I will teach my brother."

Lu Sihui asked Zhou Zixu that those three characters were not enough for her to learn. While Zhou Zixu was here, she could still read all the characters in this book, and then she could not bother him.

Zhou Zixu glanced at her in disbelief, this girl always surprised him.

"Okay, I'll teach you now."

He started to write all the words in the book into the notebook. After he wrote one, he would teach her to read it again. Of course, the words were all annotated in pinyin. He was afraid that she would show off, and in the end, he didn't even know what he was teaching her?

"I smell a bit mushy?"

Zhou Zixu taught half a book of new characters, and found that Lu Sihui really knew it after learning it once. Suddenly, he smelled a smell, jumped up and ran to the kitchen.

"It's over."

Lu Sihui studied too seriously, and forgot that there was fish stewed in the pot!

She was half a beat slower than Zhou Zixu's, watching him scoop up cold water and pour it into the pot.

"Can you still eat it?"

Zhou Zixu frowned and looked at those big fish, as if they were not too confused?
"It doesn't seem to be possible."

Lu Sihui regretfully informed him that she forgot to turn off the fire just now, and there was so little water, half of the fish in the pot turned into black charcoal, which is a pity.

"Forget it, let's talk about it next time. I'll go back to the unit first, and you remember to report."

Zhou Zixu shook his head, glanced at his watch, the delay was not short, and he had to rush back to work.

"I don't have time to come these days."

Before leaving, he looked at Lu Sihui with some reluctance. He had to hurry up and train, his elder brother was his strongest opponent.


Lu Sihui nodded, just like sending Zhou Zixu off, indifferently, without any reluctance.

"I really left?"

(End of this chapter)

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