Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 314 Heartbreaking Hate

Chapter 314 Heartbreaking Hate

Zhou Zixu was very disappointed, he hoped that Lu Sihui would be the same as himself, reluctant to part.

"Be careful on the road..."

Lu Sihui thought for a while, and said something that was considered concerned.

"I will be careful."

Zhou Zixu's disappointed eyes disappeared, she really cared about herself!The little girl knew she cared about others, so she nodded happily and left with a smile.

Watching his jeep disappear, Lu Sihui stood at the door for a while, always feeling a little regretful that he was not allowed to eat fish.

"Lu Sihui, our three mothers have gone to the city to enjoy themselves."

Liu Jingyun walked to Lu Sihui's side with her two children in her arms, and she came to show off.

"Hope to enjoy life and death."

Lu Sihui looked at her coldly, and spoke in an ugly way, pointing at her to bless them, how is it possible?

"You dead girl, let me see how long you can dance for?"

The complacency on Liu Jingyun's face disappeared, and this girl actually hated her for not dying?

Gritting his teeth and scolding her, he pulled his daughter and daughter around and left.

"Jingyun, don't go, don't leave me behind."

Li Laogen's shoes ran away, and he stumbled after her. He glanced at Lu Sihui, and his eyes were full of hatred.

"Don't follow me, the toad still wants to eat swan meat, go find your daughter!"

Liu Jingyun shook her hand and shook Li Laogen's hand away.

"You get out."

Li Guozhu came over and pushed Li Laogen away, his eyes were fierce, and he was cursing uncleanly.


"Feeding you for a few years, you are a dog and you have to wag your tail!"

Lu Sihui was slapped twice in the past, she didn't like Li Laogen's cowardice, let alone Liu Jingyun's mother and son's arrogance.

If you want to go in a leisurely manner, there is no way.


Stars appeared in front of Li Guozhu's eyes when he was beaten. He didn't expect that Lu Sihui could help Li Laogen get ahead?

Covering her face, she didn't dare to speak much, for she was afraid of being beaten again.

"Hurry up, I don't promise that I won't break your dog's leg in the next moment."

Lu Sihui rolled her eyes and squeezed out a sentence from between her teeth.

"Son, let's go, Li Laogen, I didn't live with you because of you, a girl."

Seeing Lu Sihui walking towards her son, Liu Jingyun was so frightened that she dragged her son away, but before leaving, she did not forget to set fire to Li Laogen and provoke him to fight with Lu Sihui.

"Sihui, don't give up if you don't mess up my family! Okay, you beat me to death! Jingyun is gone, and I don't want to live anymore."

Li Laogen bumped towards Lu Sihui when he heard Liu Jingyun's words.

"Not alive? Your life is cheap enough for this kind of woman!"

Lu Sihui pushed him away, looked at this confused man in annoyance, pointed at Liu Jingyun's back and yelled at him.

"Since you like her so much, let's live and die with her."

After she finished speaking, she turned and entered the courtyard, Li Laogen stood there in a daze.

Suddenly, he rushed into the yard, and just as Lu Sihui was about to clean him up, she saw him grab the hoe and hold it in his hand.

Lu Sihui frowned at him, as long as he dared to do something, she would not be polite.

Surprisingly, he chased Liu Jingyun with a hoe.

"Sister, what does Dad want to do?"

When Lu Jianguo heard the sound was wrong, he rushed out of the house and saw his father running away with a hoe like crazy. He was so scared that he grabbed his sister and asked her in a low voice.

"I think he looks like a man this time."

Lu Sihui narrowed her eyes, with a cold smile on the corner of her mouth.

Honest people are forced to be impatient, and they should not be underestimated. Liu Jingyun is too deceitful, and Li Laogen is desperate, and he may be a real man.

Liu Jingyun led Li Guozhu, Li Lanni, and Niang San to the village entrance, talking and laughing. Suddenly, she felt a chill run down her spine, and when she turned her head, she saw Li Laogen's ferocious face.

(End of this chapter)

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