Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 315 He Will Go To Jail

Chapter 315 He Will Go To Jail

"Ah, what do you want to do?"

Liu Jingyun was terrified, she screamed and turned around and wanted to run away.

Li Guozhu was usually quite domineering, but now seeing Li Laogen's brutal appearance, he turned around and ran away in fright, even ignoring his mother and sister.

Li Lanni ran faster than her younger brother, and she ran directly to the village chief's house.

"Village chief, it's bad, Li Laogen is going to kill someone."

She was screaming while running, and when she turned her head, she saw Li Laogen's hoe hit her 1. mother's head heavily, and blood gushed out like a fountain. She was so frightened that she sat down on the ground and shivered into a ball.

"What's the matter?"

Zhao Yaozu was so angry about his daughter that he had a toothache, he lay down on the kang after eating, when he heard Li Lanni's changed voice, he hurriedly ran out of the house.

"Killed, my mother was killed by Li Laogen."

Li Lanni sat on the ground and wailed loudly. If her mother died, what would she and her younger brother do?

"Li Laogen, stop."

After hearing this, Zhao Yaozu looked outside and saw Li Laogen turning his hoe like crazy.

When I went out, I saw Liu Jingyun lying in a pool of blood, twitching all over, with blood all over her face.


He rushed over, trying to stop Li Laogen, but saw him running away with a bloody hoe.

"Hurry up, call Zhou to set up a car and take your mother to the hospital."

Zhao Yaozu didn't care about chasing Li Laogen, so he went to help Liu Jingyun up, and saw her eyes rolled up, and she was about to die.

He hurriedly yelled at Li Lanni, telling her to find someone.

"Boss, look quickly, Li Laogen is chasing Li Guozhu!"

Zhou Guilan ran out of the house and saw the bloody scene, her legs were so frightened that her legs went limp, then she looked up and saw Li Laogen running after Li Guozhu with a hoe, the speed was too fast, not at all like the usual listless.

"Help my younger brother, village chief, please."

Li Lanni barely got up and saw her mother's face was covered with blood, and Li Guozhu was chased away by Li Laogen again, so frightened she knelt on the ground and begged Zhao Yaozu.

I closed my eyes and dared not look at my mother's face, it was too scary, like a blood gourd.

"Call someone, Li Laogen is crazy."

Zhao Yaozu ordered her to stand up and chase Li Laogen.

But he came out in a hurry, and he didn't put up his running shoes, so the running shoes fell off.

He ran back to pick up the shoes again, which wasted time, seeing Li Laogen and Li Guozhu disappear from his sight.

"It's over, something big is going to happen."

He yelled in frustration, picked up his shoes and chased him out.

"Sister, did Dad beat that woman to death?"

Li Jianguo was terrified, seeing his father so fierce for the first time.

"Damn her."

Lu Sihui's face was stern, and she didn't care at all.

In her opinion, this is a dog biting a dog, and she has no feelings for that father at all.

With such a big battle, can the villagers not hear it?They all ran out to help, but they didn't know where Li Guozhu and Li Laogen went.

"A group of three, look for them separately. Pay attention, Li Laogen has a hoe in his hand. It's best for everyone to bring a pick."

Zhao Yaozu hurriedly gave an order, and chased in the direction where Li Laogen disappeared last.

Liu Jingyun stopped convulsing at this moment, her neck tilted, and she died.

"Mom, mom, you can't die! What should I do if you die?"

Li Lanni raised her eyes just in time to see her mother dying, she was so frightened that she cried loudly, but no one dared to approach her mother's body.

"One wasted? Not bad."

The corners of Lu Sihui's mouth raised. In her opinion, such a villain should have died long ago.

Lu Jianguo was worried about his father. Murder is a serious crime, and if he wants to lose his head, he asked Lu Sihui in a panic.

"Sister, Dad killed him, will he go to jail?"

(End of this chapter)

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