Chapter 321
Clean up quickly, put the meat for Li Laogen away, and Lu Sihui took her younger brother to the door to sleep, go to bed early, so as to save trouble tomorrow.

In the dead of night, every household in the village turned off their oil lamps and went to rest early.

The wild wolf on the mountain seemed to be restless tonight, whining and barking non-stop. Lu Sihui was disturbed by the noise, took out the sleeping earplugs from the space capsule and put them in her ears, and then fell asleep peacefully.

A strange figure walked towards her house in the dark night. People with dogs felt that the barking of the dog was a bit abnormal tonight, and they didn't find any thieves when they went out to check.

"Stop screaming, tell me to beat you again, it will affect my sleep."

After scolding the dog, I went back to sleep. Life is poor now, and the food is kept in the house. There is nothing to lose in the yard, so don't worry.

The black shadow was dormant, and only after seeing that everyone had returned to the house did they move on.

Lu Jianguo couldn't sleep tonight. His sister said to take him to see his father, but he didn't know if he could find him. The city is so big, where is his father locked up?


He seemed to hear someone jumping into his yard, got up and lay down on the window to take a look into the yard.

The moon is quite big, and everything in the courtyard is clearly illuminated. Did you find anyone?

He thought there was something wrong with his ears, so he went back to check on his elder sister. She was sleeping soundly, so he didn't dare to call her.

Lie down on the kang honestly, close your eyes for a while and feel drowsy.

The man in black outside the house was busy quietly and nervously. First, he fastened the door of Lu Sihui's house with an iron bar, and then put wooden trippers and firewood around her house.

After testing the direction of the wind, I brought back a lot of firewood as quickly as possible, and then struck a match to light the fire.

I was too nervous, and I had to strike several matches before lighting the fire.

Feeling that the speed of the fire was too slow, he fanned it with his clothes again, and when he saw that it was completely lit, he jumped over the wall and left.

The two sisters in the room didn't know what happened outside, and they both fell into a deep sleep.

Soon, the fire was getting bigger and bigger with the help of the wind, and when Lu Jianguo found out, the fire was out of control, and the black smoke from the flames made him choke and cough.

"Sister, get up quickly, sister, get up quickly."

He began to push his sister wildly, pulling her to run outside.

Lu Sihui was sleeping soundly!I was woken up by my younger brother, and when I opened my eyes, I saw flames in front of the window.

She was so scared that she hurriedly put on her shoes and dragged her younger brother to the kitchen, where the smoke was even bigger.

"Gag your mouth."

She pulled a towel soaked in water and threw one to her younger brother, and she used one to gag her mouth.

"The cat waisted and ran out."

After giving the order again, she bent down and ran to the door by herself. When she tried to push the door, she found that the door was locked.

"Someone is trying to burn us on purpose. Come on, jump out of the window."

She gave another order, run back to the house with her younger brother, and smash the window with an axe, it is always important to escape first.

As soon as the window was smashed open, the heat wave rushed into the house, the flames burned her hair, and the unpleasant smell of singeing was pungent.

"Sister, I dare not.

Lu Jianguo was scared when he saw the flames. The flames with thick smoke looked like a devil. He didn't have the courage to jump into the fire for fear of being burned to death.


Lu Sihui picked up her younger brother and threw it out. She wrapped herself in a quilt and jumped out too.

The fire quickly surrounded the two of them, and Lu Jianguo felt that his hair was all on fire, so Lu Sihui picked him up and rushed out.

Fortunately, she was wearing a quilt, and her face was not burned, but the quilt was no longer available, it was full of flames.


As soon as Lu Sihui rushed out of the flames, she saw a thick figure rushing towards the door.

(End of this chapter)

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