Chapter 322
Zhou Zixu couldn't calm down during training tonight. He always felt that something was going to happen?
After driving home, he took a look and saw that both grandpa and Dongsheng were fine, so he turned around and left.

Mr. Zhou couldn't catch his little grandson recently. When he saw Zixu came back, he naturally wanted to keep him and let him play chess with him.

"Come on, Zixu, let's have a fight."

"Grandpa, I'll be with you another day. I'm in a hurry."

Zhou Zixu straightened his hat and bowed to his grandfather, which was rare and serious.

"Is it about the unit?"

The old man noticed that his grandson's brows had been furrowed, thinking that something unpleasant happened to him in the work unit.

"No, I'm restless. I'm going to see her."

Leaving aside the endless words, Zhou Zixu turned around and strode away.

"Grandpa and uncle don't play with me."

Dong Sheng just ran towards Zhou Zixu, wanting to act like a baby with him, but his uncle didn't see him at all.

This made Zhou Dongsheng feel very wronged, so he ran to complain to the grandfather.

"Tsk, what happened?"

Although Zhou Zixu didn't make it clear who he was going to see?But the old man guessed that only that cold girl could make Zixu lose his composure like this.

Zhou Zixu was driving all the way, feeling more and more uneasy in his heart. These days, he endured his longing for Lu Sihui. The competition is about to begin. He wants to show her good results and prove himself.

But today, he has to go to see her, as long as he is sure that she is fine, he can go back to work in peace.

As soon as I entered the village, I saw flames rising into the sky from the direction of Lu Sihui's house, and I was shocked in my heart, could it be...
Before he had time to think about it, he drove into the village and flew directly towards Sihui's house.

The last bit of luck disappeared, and it turned out that her house was on fire.

As soon as the car was stable, he pushed the door and ran, not caring about the smoldering flames, he just wanted to rush in to save Sihui.

The heat wave of the flames made people unable to open their eyes. He just rushed to the door, and the flames burned his hands, but he didn't care at all.

If there is no sign of Sihui in the yard, she must still be in the house.

This time is when he is sleeping, his heart seems to be smoking, eager to make him forget his own safety.

"I'm here, don't go in."

Lu Sihui came over and grabbed him.

"Sihui, it's great that you ran out."

Zhou Zixu held Lu Sihui tightly in his arms. Just now he felt that he would lose her. Only by holding her tightly can he feel that she is safe.

"Leave quickly, the house is going to collapse."

Lu Sihui was stunned for a moment, his chest was so warm, just for a moment, she dragged Zhou Zixu to the courtyard gate.

Passing by her younger brother who was looking at her house stupidly, she dragged him away as well.

The wind was a bit strong tonight, and the fire spread rapidly with the help of the wind. There were neighbors nearby, and Aunt Liu's family was the first to suffer.

"Sihui, take Jianguo aside, I want to put out the fire."

Zhou Zixu is an iron-blooded man, and it is impossible for him to sit idly by and watch the people's property being devoured by them.

After confirming Sihui's safety, he fought the fire together with the villagers who heard the news.

Aunt Liu's family also ran out of the house, grabbing some things, but most of the objects couldn't be moved out, watching the flames engulf the once warm home.

"Hurry up and put out the fire, everyone is moving, or the fire will burn the whole camp."

Zhou Zixu began to direct the messy villagers, they were all panicked, there must be a leader.

Lu Sihui asked her younger brother to stay away, and she followed to fight the fire.

At this time, there was no fire engine, and all the water was fetched into the well. The speed of fighting the fire could not control the spread of the fire.

(End of this chapter)

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