Chapter 323

The backer was stationed in the mountains, and the firetruck did not arrive in time, so he had to organize people to fight the fire first.

All the water was fetched from the well, and the speed of fighting the fire could not control the spread of the fire at all. After the flames engulfed the Liu family, they rushed towards the next family.

Everyone in the village was in a panic. As the head of the village, Zhao Yaozu naturally wanted to take the lead in fighting the fire.

The fire was too big, and the wind changed direction, burning five houses in a row, including Zhou Changjiang's house.

Seeing that the family property accumulated all her life was destroyed, the ground was covered with black ashes, the house collapsed, and the beams were all burned. Aunt Liu sat on the ground and patted her thigh and cried.

"Sihui, what's going on?"

Because of the fire fighting, the village chief Zhao Yaozu's face was covered with black ashes. He asked Aunt Liu and the villagers that the fire started at Lu Sihui's house first.


Lu Sihui slept with her younger brother at home, and then the yard caught fire out of nowhere, and the door was locked. She and her younger brother were almost burned to death at home.

"You mean someone set fire to it?"

Zhao Yaozu frowned after hearing this, the first thing he suspected was Li Lanni's siblings, her mother was beaten to death by Li Laogen, so naturally she hated them.

"What are you two doing tonight?"

He went over and yelled at Li Lanni.

"We're all sleeping at home."

Li Lanni looked at the village chief aggrievedly, why would she doubt herself when something happened?

"Who can prove it?"

Zhou Zixu looked at her coldly, not showing any sympathy for her because she was a woman.

This was to burn Sihui to death. When he went there, he found out that there was an iron rod pinned to the door.

Thinking of the scene just now, he felt a chill run down his spine. He couldn't imagine that if Sihui hadn't noticed the fire, if she had been fainted by the thick smoke, would she still be alive at this time?
"My mother had just been buried, and I was afraid at night, so I asked Aunt Zhou to keep me company."

Li Lanni pointed at Zhou Changjiang's mother, and looked at Zhou Zixu with accusation.

He knew it was Lu Sihui, so why should he suspect it was her?
"Village chief, this is a big deal. Let's go to the security law enforcement department! Zhou Changjiang is also a suspect, and Sihui's former fiancé's family is also a suspect. Take control."

Zhou Zixu's face was cold, his eyes swept across the crowd, and he worked very hard to put out the fire, turning all of them into colorful cats.

He unceremoniously gave orders to Zhao Yaozu. He is an iron-blooded man. At this time, he has the right to order a village chief, because it is a big case involving victims.

Zhao Yaozu was not angry because of his tone, and he felt that this matter could not be resolved privately.

"Why? My house was also burned, am I a fool? Can I set fire to my own house?"

Zhou Changjiang jumped out first to object.

"That's right, why? My son doesn't want her anymore. What does her family have to do with us?"

Sun Guodong's mother also jumped out and clamored. She was the happiest when she saw Lu Sihui's misfortune.

"Shut up and take them all to the village branch."

Zhao Yaozu didn't give them a chance to speak, and asked someone to take them away.

Zhou Changjiang's mother cried no louder than Aunt Liu, why did she go to accompany Li Lanni by herself?If you are at home, you can still grab things.

Only she knew where the money was hidden, and it was money for her son to marry a wife.

Now it's all burned, how hard it is to save money!

Zhou Zixu kept watching the people being escorted to the village branch, and he also followed him to supervise and guard, worried that the suspect would abscond in fear of crime.

The most suspicious person at present is Zhou Changjiang, staring at him sharply.

Being stared at by him like this, cold sweat broke out on Zhou Changjiang's head, and he didn't dare to wipe it casually. He lowered his head and secretly hid behind his mother.

(End of this chapter)

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