Chapter 324
Sun Guodong was also brought here. He looked at Zhou Zixu and Lu Sihui with gloomy eyes. They were standing side by side. At this time, Lu Sihui was still caring about Zhou Zixu. His heart was burning and his eyes were red with jealousy.

"You hurt your hand?"

When Zhou Zixu raised his hand, Lu Sihui found that his palm was charred and the cuffs of his uniform were also charred. The burn was the most painful, but he was still helping to put out the fire?

My heart was touched, he was hurt only to save her.

"Don't be afraid, as long as you're fine."

Zhou Zixu looked at her deeply, with a feeling of lost and found in his heart, and he cherished her more and more.

When he saw the house on fire and rushed to open the door, he really thought he would lose her.

"I'll find some medicine to help you apply it."

Lu Sihui threw down a word, turned around and ran away.

"No, it's fine."

Zhou Zixu hurriedly shouted at her back, in fact, his hand was very painful. At that time, the flames were raging, he only wanted to save Lu Sihui out, and if he wanted to rush into the house, he had to remove the iron rod from the other door. With a branding iron, the meat is cooked, which is equivalent to torture yourself.

But he didn't care about it at all, and he didn't even want to leave. He only had one thought in his mind, which was to rescue her, and Sihui would be fine.

Lu Sihui ran away from the crowd, hid in the space capsule, and searched for medicine for burns in the medical system.

The medicine of the last days is very effective, but it is also very expensive, and only the elites have the right to enjoy it.

I found the ointment for treating burns. After this ointment is applied, no matter how severe the burn is, even if it is disfigured, it will not leave any traces after it is applied.

It is risky to just take it out. It seems that badger seed oil is the only treatment for burns in this era.

But she couldn't control that much, only Zhou Zixu's scorched palm was in front of her eyes. To be on the safe side, she scooped out a piece of the ointment and held it in the palm of her hand.

Zhou Zixu didn't see Lu Sihui when he went out, and now the village is in chaos, a fire destroyed several houses.

There was a crowd of crying and howling, but fortunately there were no casualties, which is a blessing in misfortune.

Zhao Yaozu was in a state of desperation. He was the village head. If such a big incident happened, the village head might have to be taken down.

The village chief for 20 years was taken down, and he was ashamed to stay in the village.

When Lu Sihui came back, in the restless crowd, she recognized the tall figure at a glance, and walked towards him directly.

"Smear some, it won't hurt so much."

Grabbing Zhou Zixu's big hand, he carefully applied the ointment in the palm of his hand.

Zhou Zixu looked at her with warm eyebrows, and it was the first time he saw her care about him so much.

Wonder what she wiped on him?Is it cooling oil?After applying it, it feels cool, and the palms no longer feel like burning.

"Don't be so stupid next time, I can protect myself."

Lu Sihui helped him finish the medicine, took out the embroidered handkerchief he gave her before, wrapped it in his hand, tied it carefully, and raised her head to warn him.

"No, I can't promise you this, because you are very important in my heart, and I can't lose you."

Zhou Zixu saw that Lu Sihui was going to take her hand away, so he hurriedly held her hand with both hands, looked at her seriously, but spoke very affectionately.

Only when you lose can you know the preciousness. When he thought she was buried in the sea of ​​fire, what he thought was to share life and death with her.


Lu Sihui was at a loss for words for a while, and looked at him in a daze. She didn't know how to answer what she said?

Especially the deep affection in his dark eyes made her want to turn around and run away.

(End of this chapter)

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