Chapter 325

There is a strange feeling in my heart, it seems to be very warm, but also seems to be very scared, she can't explain it?

"Sihui, the house burned down, where are you and Jianguo going to live?"

Seeing Lu Sihui, Zhou Zixu looked at him without answering, knowing that he was a little impatient, he smiled and let go of her hand, and changed the subject.

Lu Sihui hesitated for a moment, and felt very at ease when he held his hand, but when he suddenly let go, she felt a little lost.

"There is a ruined temple on the mountain, I can take Jianguo to live there."

Hearing Zhou Zixu's question, Lu Sihui thought about it seriously. The village branch is not big, and there are other victims. It's crowded enough to live there. It's better to take her younger brother into the mountain.

"If you don't mind, go to my house tonight, and tomorrow I will rent a house for you in the countryside near your unit. Do you think it's okay?"

How could Zhou Zixu trust her to live in a ruined temple on the mountain?Not to mention the difficult conditions, the main reason is that it is not safe.

It is still unclear who is going to kill her. If there is no murderer among the people under control, it will be even more dangerous for Sihui and Jianguo to go to the mountains.

"it's not good?"

Lu Sihui frowned, Zhou Zixu's family status was too high, she felt that she and her younger brother should not be disturbed, after all, they were not related.

"It's okay, my grandfather and Dongsheng are the only ones at home, and Aunt Su, my elder brother is busy with training at work recently, and my father won't be able to come back after going out for a meeting. My grandfather is easy to get along with, so don't worry!"

Zhou Zixu took Lu Sihui's hand again. He felt that this was the best way now, and he would feel at ease only if she was allowed to live in the family building.

"OK then!"

Lu Sihui had no other choice after thinking about it, besides, she trusted Zhou Zixu very much and was not wary of him.

"The police are here, I'm going to report the situation, this time we must not tolerate it."

While the two of them were talking, they heard the sound of police sirens. Zhou Zixu patted Lu Sihui on the shoulder and led her and Jianguo to meet her.

The three made notes separately, and the villagers in the village also responded to the situation. This is vicious arson and deliberate murder, and the law enforcement department attaches great importance to it.

Immediately afterwards, the suspects were interrogated, and it was finally determined that Zhou Changjiang was the major suspect, and he was taken back to the county.

"You have wronged people, how could my son set fire?"

Zhou Changjiang's mother stopped the car and refused to let her go, so she just lay down in front of the car.

"We won't arrest people without evidence. He's just a suspect at the moment. If he didn't do it, we won't wrong him. Please don't make trouble for no reason."

The police from the law enforcement department frowned and dragged Zhou Changjiang's mother from the ground. The reason why they took him away was because someone saw him leaving home in the middle of the night when Lu Sihui's house was on fire. See clearly, so I didn't dare to bite to death.

But a matchbox was found at the scene, which had fingerprints on it, and suspicious footprints were found on the wall of Lu Sihui's house. It was not difficult to examine, and there were also scraped pieces of clothes, the same color and fabric as the clothes Zhou Changjiang was wearing.

It is basically certain that the suspect is him. Aunt Liu's family rushed over and beat Zhou Changjiang.

"You are worth a thousand knives! Give me back my house, give me back my house."

"If you kill him, you shouldn't have pity him before, you bad-hearted thing."

The other two victims also rushed over to beat him. Among them were relatives of his family. During the previous Lu Sihui incident, they stopped Zhou Zixu from taking Zhou Changjiang away.

But now he regretted it so much that he wished he could eat Zhou Changjiang's meat.

"Give way, don't fight, the law will give you justice.

Law enforcement agencies have to protect Zhou Changjiang, otherwise these angry villagers will have to eat him.

Zhou Changjiang's face was ashen, and he looked at the familiar villagers in horror with his eyes. He had calculated well, but why did the direction of the wind change later?He really doesn't know.

(End of this chapter)

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