Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 338 Was tricked by the little guy

Chapter 338 Was tricked by the little guy

After listening to Dong Sheng's words, Lu Sihui was dumbfounded. The child was lying, but seeing his big pitiful eyes with tears, Lu Sihui didn't have the heart to say what to correct.

"Dongsheng, you really have a mother!"

At this time, a naughty-looking little boy came over and stared at Lu Sihui with those bright black eyes.

Lu Sihui felt that Dongsheng was grabbing her hand hard. Although she didn't look down at him, she knew what he was worried about?
Pursing her lips, she still didn't expose him.

"I said a long time ago that I have a mother, but you don't believe me."

When Dongsheng saw this boy, he erected his armor and stared at him like a young bull who just wanted to fight.

"You. Mom is prettier than my mother."

Lu Sihui noticed the envy in the little boy's eyes, but he was skeptical at first.

Frowning slightly, he already knew in his heart that this boy must often laugh at Dongsheng. The child's heart is fragile, and he longs for a mother to slap him in the face.

Continuing to remain silent without explaining, he let go of Dongsheng's hand and rubbed the child's little head.

She was so gorgeous that the little guy tricked her.

"Go in! Study hard."

She said something lightly, looking at Dongsheng with criticism, no matter what the reason, it is always wrong to lie.

"Okay, bye mom."

Seeing that Lu Sihui didn't expose him, Dongsheng was obviously relieved, smiled sweetly at Lu Sihui, waved his chubby hand, and called his mother crisply again.

Lu Sihui's face was full of embarrassment, this child, can you stop shouting like that?

"Are you Zhou Dongsheng's mother?"

When Lu Sihui turned around and wanted to leave, a beautiful aunt came out of the kindergarten and looked at Lu Sihui with scrutiny and suspicion.


Lu Sihui smiled, but didn't answer, but felt her skirt being pulled down by Dongsheng.

Looking down at him, she found that the little boy was staring at Dongsheng, and the cute little doll girl was staring at her. She had no choice but to nod: "Yes."

"Oh, I haven't seen you before."

The smile on the teacher's face was almost unmaintainable, and he looked very stiff.

"I'm away."

Lu Sihui glanced at her calmly, feeling that there was something wrong with the teacher's attitude, but since she cooperated with Dongsheng, there was no way to overturn it at this time, otherwise he would face the double ridicule of that little boy.

"Oh, Dongsheng, Xiaoli, Xiaoqiang, hurry up and go in!"

The female teacher let out an oh, apparently unwilling to continue the conversation with her, the smile on her face disappeared, and she greeted the three children to enter the hospital.

"Are you really Dongsheng's mother?"

The little girl's mother came over. She looked very beautiful and was dressed very fashionable. She spoke softly, but looked at people politely and distantly.


Lu Sihui couldn't get off the tiger, so she could only hum a lightly, thinking of that cold Zhou Zisong, would he blame her for pretending to be the child's mother?
"Yo, leave the child alone for a few years, hehe, we thought Dongsheng didn't have a mother!"

The little boy's mother also came over. The woman had disdain in her eyes, and her words were bitter.

"That's why you thought, how could there be a child without a mother?"

Lu Sihui said something in a cold voice, looking at the woman with cold eyes.

"Oh, I have to go beforehand."

Originally, Xiaoqiang's mother wanted to ridicule Lu Sihui a few more words, what is irresponsible, what is not worthy of being a mother.

But after meeting Lu Sihui's sharp gaze, he didn't dare to say anything, just dropped one sentence, turned around and left.

"It's a pleasure meeting you. I'm Xiaoli's mother. My man and your Director Zhou are good friends."

(End of this chapter)

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