Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 339 Your Smile Is Beautiful

Chapter 339 Your Smile Is Beautiful
Xiaoli's mother had no intention of leaving, she stretched out her fair little hand, and said to Lu Sihui with a smile very politely.

Lu Sihui looked at her hand, thought for a while and reached out to shake her hand. Shaking hands in this world is a polite expression and a friendly gesture.

But I don't know what's going on?Xiaoli's mother was obviously smiling, but she could feel the hostility from her.

"Sorry, I still have something to do at home, so I'm leaving first."

Lu Sihui just touched her hand, let go immediately, and left to go home.

"I'll ask my man to treat your family of three to dinner another day."

Before leaving, Xiaoli's mother said something that made Lu Sihui nervous.

"No, I'm leaving right now, if there's a chance!"

She dropped the next sentence and walked away quickly.

She was obviously forced to pretend to be Dongsheng's mother, but now she's fine, she was discovered just the first time.

If Zhou Zisong really knew that she had nowhere to put her face, he would definitely think that she had a crush on him, and that's why she pretended to be Dongsheng's mother.

Annoyed, I frowned all the way.

"Hey, who messed with you, tell me, I'll clean him up for you."

Because she had something on her mind, Lu Sihui didn't look around, but walked quickly with her head down. At some point, a jeep parked beside her, and Zhou Zixu's handsome face was smiling at her.

"Didn't you say you couldn't come back?"

Seeing him, Lu Sihui felt relieved, and her originally tense face eased a bit.

"It's true that I didn't go home. Didn't I have something to do in the ministry? I saw you with a cold face when I passed by."

Zhou Zixu smiled brightly. He refrained from going home to see Sihui because he was afraid of damaging her reputation, but he didn't expect to see her on the road, how could he be unhappy?
"Not your good nephew."

Lu Sihui was so annoyed that she couldn't help but tell Zhou Zixu.

"What? This little bastard."

When Zhou Zixu heard that his nephew had asked Sihui to pretend to be his mother, he felt inexplicably uncomfortable and couldn't help scolding the child.

"I think your nephew is pitiful, so I didn't explain it."

Lu Sihui looked at Zhou Zixu with a big pimple between her brows. Now she felt that she had done something wrong.

"Get in the car and I'll take you home."

Zhou Zixu opened the car door and let Sihui get in the car first. There are people coming and going on the road, and some things are inconvenient to say.

Lu Sihui didn't refuse either, and got into the car directly, her eyes as clear as water flashed with entanglement and helplessness.

"My nephew is pitiful, they are all my elder brothers, irresponsible."

When Zhou Zixu started the car, he couldn't help complaining to his elder brother, since he gave birth to Dongsheng with another girl, no matter what the reason was, he had to marry her, so what's the point now?The child is too poor.

"Your elder brother is an irresponsible man."

Lu Sihui nodded in agreement, mainly because of Dongsheng's longing for his mother in his eyes, and that little kid's ridicule at Dongsheng, how could such a young child bear it.

No one's love can replace a mother's love.

"You don't have to worry about this, I'll explain it to my elder brother, but in the future, don't be fooled by the brat again, he is more like my son, thick-skinned."

Zhou Zixu looked at Sihui, seeing her frowning, he really wanted to reach out and smooth the center of her brows.

"Ha, you also know that you have a thick skin."

Lu Sihui was amused by his self-deprecating words.

Zhou Zixu looked at her smile with a layer of warmth in his eyes.

"Sihui, you should smile more in the future! However, it's best not to laugh at others."


Lu Sihui was puzzled when she heard what he said, who should she laugh at?

Zhou Zixu looked at her seriously, his low voice was as intoxicating as fine wine.

"Because your smile is so beautiful, it's so beautiful that it makes people's hearts move."

(End of this chapter)

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