Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 340 He Wants To See Her Every Day

Chapter 340 He Wants To See Her Every Day

Lu Sihui blushed a little, and glared at him reproachfully, can't he be more serious?
His eyes fell on his hand, which was still wrapped in a handkerchief: "Does it still hurt?"

Thinking of how he burned the flesh of his palm to save herself, her heart throbbed, and she couldn't help asking a question with concern.

"It doesn't hurt, what kind of medicine did you give me?"

Zhou Zixu glanced at the bandaged handkerchief, he didn't even take it off to wash his face.

"It's about burns, but that's all, nothing more."

Lu Sihui was startled, and diverted the words vaguely.

"Oh, it's a pity, I saw some villagers were burned last night!"

Zhou Zixu shrugged, with regret in his eyes.

"Well, it's a pity."

Lu Sihui responded lightly, why did she give him medicine when someone else was injured?It's not worth exposing yourself for the sake of irrelevant people.

She didn't think about why she was in a hurry to give Zhou Zixu medicine.

"Sihui, when you report to the art team, there will be fewer days for us to meet."

Zhou Zixu was a little unhappy, and it came out in his voice, he wanted to see her every day.

"What are you afraid of?"

Lu Sihui didn't understand what he meant.

"I really hope you can come and see me during the game."

Zhou Zixu sighed, his eyes dimmed because he knew it was impossible.

"Then I'll go see you and cheer you on."

Lu Sihui didn't like to see him like this very much, the one who loves to laugh, the one with the hippie smile, looks normal.

Without even thinking about it, a sentence popped up, she didn't think it was a difficult task, did she?

It's like going to the exam by yourself, can't Zhou Zixu also go into the room to take a look?
Then wouldn't it be normal for her to watch him compete?
"Hey, silly girl, it's an assessment competition, you can't go."

Zhou Zixu laughed, and couldn't help reaching out to rub Lu Sihui's head, she was so cute.

"You messed up your hair."

Lu Sihui frowned and slapped his hand away.


Hearing Zhou Zixu's words, she couldn't help asking, can't you watch the game?Is it as mysterious as those interstellar friends?
"Because it is an internal assessment competition, family members are not allowed to go, unless you are an incumbent station, but now you are obviously not."

Zhou Zixu could only explain to her patiently, as if a flower was quietly blooming in his heart, he wanted to shout out when he was so happy.

Sihui really wanted to cheer herself up, which proved that she had herself in her heart, and she cared about him.

Besides, Zhou Zisong, he trained as usual, and did not increase the intensity of training just because of the competition.

He just laughed off the letter of challenge sent by his younger brother, and didn't think he could really win against himself.

But even if his younger brother wins, he will be happy for him. It's better than being idle and unmotivated.

However, you said that he is not self-motivated, but the team he leads is not bad in the department, and every member is of good quality.

This made him puzzled. The younger brother, who seemed to have nothing to do, originally thought that he would bring nothing under his command.

He was able to say everything, so that he, the director, had nothing to say.

Looking at the training plan, he planned to organize a devil training after the game to improve the players' various skills.

Old Qiao, who was in charge of the assessment, walked in and patted him on the shoulder hard, with joy in his voice.

"Old Zhou, I heard that your wife is back?"

Zhou Zisong raised his head from the plan. Why couldn't he understand what Old Qiao said?

Frowning at him, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"My daughter-in-law said, your daughter-in-law is going to see Dongsheng off today, and she looks beautiful!"

(End of this chapter)

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