Chapter 346
Zhao Yaozu didn't like the way she spoke, and thought she was arrogant, but considering her selflessness, Zhao Yaozu's attitude was good.

"My brother is going, I'm just helping him get something to eat."

Lu Sihui handed the roasted pheasant and hare to Lu Jianguo. Li Laogen was cleaned up by her several times because of his stuttering.

"Sihui, it's your father after all, so let's take a look! I heard that a group of people will be severely punished on November [-], and your father is among them."

Zhao Yaozu sighed, Li Laogen didn't pick the time either, he hit the crackdown on the [-]th, otherwise he could live for a few more months.

"So fast?"

Lu Sihui did some calculations, there were only a few days left, and there was a sharp pain somewhere in her heart, the original owner couldn't bear it again.

"Yes! Don't hate your father. He was very good to you two when you were young. It was only after Liu Jingyun came in that he became confused and selfish."

Zhao Yaozu sighed, if this Li Laogen was not selfish, wouldn't he be enjoying the blessings with his children?
"I see, Uncle."

Lu Sihui is willing to call Zhao Yaozu uncle again.

"Li Lanni and brother will be sent to the law enforcement department in a while, you two can go with me! I will send you directly to the detention center, otherwise you will not find a place."

When Zhao Yaozu heard Lu Sihui's uncle, his eyes flashed with embarrassment. He still felt guilty for what his daughter did.

Although Zhao Yuying insisted that it had nothing to do with her, how could a father not understand her daughter?

"Thank you."

Lu Sihui nodded, she just couldn't find it, and she was very happy to watch Li Lanni's miserable situation all the way.

After going down the mountain, Lu Sihui gave Aunt Liu a hare. She was really pitiful, her eyes were swollen from crying, and she was old and homeless.

"Thank you, son, you still think about my aunt."

Aunt Liu grabbed Lu Sihui's hand and cried.

"Ma'am, you helped us back then."

Lu Sihui glanced at the others. Although Aunt Liu was timid, she still felt sorry for their siblings and secretly gave them food and drink. This was all in the original owner's memory, and she had also received favors from the old man.

"Sihui is a good boy."

Zhao Yaozu looked at her appreciatively, and sold two ginseng roots in a pharmacy with a letter of introduction from the village. Because they were two hundred-year-old wild ginseng trees, they were very valuable, and they were sold for a total of 400 yuan.

The money was used to buy purlins, and the whole village was called on to lend a helping hand. Finally, the burnt-out families could finally build new houses to shelter them from the wind and rain.

On the way to the city, Li Lanni and Li Guozhu were tied up with ropes and curled up in the car, looking like pigs waiting to be slaughtered.

When they arrived in the city, Lu Sihui went to the law enforcement department with her. She was also a victim, so she could naturally enter the house.

Leaving Li Lanni and brother there, after completing the formalities, the village head sent Lu Sihui and brother to the detention center.

At this time, not everyone can see the severely punished person. A letter of introduction from the village is required, otherwise even his own father will not be able to do so.

"Live animals cannot be brought in, but cooked ones are fine."

The comrades in the detention center read the letter of introduction, and said routinely, he must pay attention to major murderers.

"Go in! Uncle will watch for you."

"Thank you." Lu Sihui didn't want to go in, but the string in her heart was pulling her. She knew that it was the original owner who wanted to see her father for the last time.

The siblings waited in the reception room, waiting for the man's arrival.

"Whoa, whoa."

The sound of iron chains came from far and near, and Lu Jianguo stood up excitedly, looking at the iron gate.

(End of this chapter)

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