Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 347 Make Himself Strong

Chapter 347 Make Himself Strong
Li Laogen was taken to the reception room by the police with a haggard complexion. The moment he saw his children, tears flowed down his face. His cloudy eyes looked red and pitiful.

"Jianguo, Sihui's father is sorry for you."

As Li Laogen said, he knelt on the ground and was pulled up by the police.

"be honest."

The policeman frowned, how could a father kneel down for his children, took his arm and brought him to the glass window.

"You have 5 minutes to meet."

The policeman said something to Lu Sihui, then retreated to sit on the stool behind, staring at Li Laogen fiercely.

Li Laogen, wearing handcuffs and shackles, cried and grabbed the iron railings, tremblingly reaching out to touch his sons and daughters.

"Dad, this is what my sister brought you to eat."

Lu Jianguo was also weeping uncontrollably. This was the last time he saw his father. He handed in the pheasant and hare brought by Lu Sihui through the window.

"Sihui, Dad made a mistake and hurt you, please forgive me."

Smelling the tangy fragrance, Li Laogen thought that he had gone to grab food and drink with a pair of children before, how did he become a father?Tears of guilt burst out, looking at Lu Sihui, begging for her forgiveness.

"do not talk."

Lu Sihui looked away awkwardly, she was not used to this kind of scene, but it was Li Laogen's appearance before, so she could hate it.

I can't hate it anymore, what should I do?
The 5 minutes passed quickly, and Li Laogen spent 3 minutes crying for forgiveness, and finally begged Lu Sihui to take good care of his younger brother and not let outsiders bully him again.

"Sihui, Jianguo is too honest, as useless as Dad, you protect him and don't let him be bullied."

"No, I don't protect him. A man wants to be strong. I believe he can."

Lu Sihui didn't agree to Li Laogen. She didn't want to be an old hen, protecting her worthless younger brother all her life.

What she has to do is to make him strong so that no one dares to bully him.

"Dad, don't worry, I will protect my sister in the future and won't let people bully her."

Instead, Li Jianguo reassured Li Laogen.

Li Laogen looked at them with emotion, his son had grown up, so he didn't have to worry about it.

"It's time to meet guests."

After all, they are people whose days are numbered, and this is the last time we meet.

"Sihui, Jianguo, father is gone."

The policeman has been looking at his watch, in fact, he has already had a grace period of 1 minute

Li Laogen's crying became shrill, and he kept looking at their siblings with nostalgia, only to realize that they were the most important in his heart, but it was a pity that he knew it too late, it was already too late to regret.

After leaving the detention center, Lu Sihui felt very sad and said nothing.

Lu Jianguo kept crying and stood at the gate of the detention center, refusing to leave.

"How is your father?"

Zhao Yaozu came over and looked at Lu Sihui, she was so calm that she didn't even shed a tear.

This is the first time I see a woman being so cruel.

"Still the same, thinner."

Lu Sihui replied lightly, although Li Laogen was crying sadly, but in her opinion, it was his own fault.

"Abo can no longer be the village chief because of your father's affairs."

Zhao Yaozu suddenly said that he originally hated Li Laogen, but now that he is about to die, he doesn't hate him anymore.

Lu Sihui frowned, she didn't sympathize with Zhao Yaozu at all, it wasn't because he shielded Zhou Changjiang and Li Guozhu, and what happened later, it was because he didn't burn people to death, otherwise, he couldn't absolve himself of the blame.

Zhao Yaozu originally thought that Lu Sihui would say something comforting, but seeing her just looked at him coldly, with a hint of sarcasm in her eyes.

His eyes flickered for a moment, and he lowered his head sadly. He had already understood what she meant from Lu Sihui's gaze, and it was indeed he who lifted a rock and shot himself in the foot.

"Abbe, your daughter should teach herself more!"

(End of this chapter)

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