Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 348 The Flying Kite

Chapter 348 The Flying Kite
Lu Sihui meant something and didn't say it clearly, but her clear eyes seemed to know everything.


Zhao Yaozu blushed. When Lu Sihui was almost buried alive, his daughter behaved abnormally. Obviously Lu Sihui knew that there was something about her, but because of the help she had done to him, she didn't go into it.

So, speaking of it, Lu Sihui owed him nothing, she saved his son's life, and spared his daughter from harming her.

"Abbe, tell your girl, don't blame me for being rude if you hurt me again in the future."

Before leaving, Lu Sihui looked into Zhao Yaozu's eyes and said, this is not a threat, she feels that she has repaid what she should have repaid, and she will never be soft-hearted in the future.

Zhao Yaozu suddenly raised his head and saw Lu Sihui's sharp gaze, knowing that what she said was not a joke.

Lu Sihui asked Lu Jianguo to take back two pheasants and a hare from the donkey cart, and left without looking back.

Zhao Yaozu stood there, looking at the backs of the siblings. It was a kite that had been let out. The rope had already been broken, and he could no longer control them.

He also knew that what Lu Sihui said was not a threat, she would really do that.

After returning home, he found his daughter and slapped her face hard twice.

"Zhao Yuying, please remember, stay away from Lu Sihui in the future, and don't mess with her again."

Zhao Yuying was beaten by her father without thinking, and she looked at him aggrieved: "What did I do? You hit me when you came back."

"Don't think that if you don't admit that others can't do anything about you, last time you and Zhou Changjiang and the others partnered to harm Lu Sihui, she was clear in her heart! It's not for my sake, you can still be a member of the art troupe now? She squatted inside, but she made it clear that it was only this time, and she will not spoil you again in the future."

Zhao Yaozu glared at his daughter angrily, and raised his hand to hit her again, but Zhou Guilan held her back, frowning and grumbling in dissatisfaction.

"It's not that serious, is it? That girl Sihui can't deny her face, that's too heartless."

"Fart, if Sihui hadn't saved face for us, she wouldn't have given up easily that time. I was also confused, and I had selfish intentions to keep this bastard girl. Otherwise, would something big happen later? Is it true that my village head was taken down? I am wronged, and I really don’t have the qualifications to be the village head anymore.”

Zhao Yaozu sat down on the kang, thinking about Lu Sihui's mocking eyes, tremblingly filled himself with a pot of dry smoke, it was five families, fortunately no one was killed, otherwise he would have no face to see them .

"I don't blame you. It was Li Lanni who instigated Zhou Changjiang, and you didn't know about it."

Zhou Guilan looked at the man with distress. He has always been high-spirited. He has been the village head all his life. Now that he has been implicated and taken down, will he be able to hold his head up in the village in the future?
"Isn't it because I was able to let go of Zhou Changjiang's harming Lu Sihui in order to protect our little brat? I deserve it, and I will take the blame."

Zhao Yaozu sighed, sucked on the cigarette holder vigorously, and hid himself in a puff of smoke.

Zhao Yuying stared resentfully. Is it Lu Sihui who caused her to be beaten by her father so that she would not trouble her in the future?

This matter is just waiting and seeing, but we can't act rashly in the future.

Lu Sihui didn't know that Zhao Yaozu went home to beat Zhao Yuying, so she took her younger brother back to Zhou's house.

This time at the gate of the family building, the guard did not stop her, but saluted her.


On the contrary, Lu Sihui was not used to it, thinking that this was the etiquette of this era, and she also followed the example of Comrade Door Guard, and stupidly saluted a non-standard salute.

When Zhou Zisong drove over, he happened to see her movements, and there was a flash of secretiveness in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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