Chapter 352

"Okay, don't cry if you lose."

Zhou Zisong nodded coldly, the arrogance in his eyes made Zhou Zixu very uncomfortable, it felt like his elder brother didn't respect his opponent.


Putting away the smile on his face, he said coldly to his eldest brother that the two of them will come to the 400-meter obstacle first, which is considered a relatively important subject.

"I heard that you broke my record? I also want to know if you have improved?"

Zhou Zisong moved his wrists and ankles, watching his younger brother do the same with him, his young face shone with confidence.

"You only know by comparing."

Zhou Zixu raised his eyebrows and smiled at his eldest brother. He felt that he would not lose in this project, and he was very sure.

There was a countdown, and the two of them set off together. The same excellent face, originally different temperament, was exactly the same at this moment, they were both serious and determined.

The two of them didn't notice that there was a gray figure standing quietly behind the big tree, looking at the two brothers with sharp eyes.

Starting off, crossing obstacles, drilling barbed wire, crossing obstacles and high boards, the movements of the two of them are so skillful, like a vigorous and swift cheetah, speeding all the way.

Zhou Zixu really wasn't behind, but was one person ahead. He was more confident in his heart, and a proud smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

Zhou Zisong was not discouraged, and he never looked at his younger brother out of the corner of his eyes. Concentration is the most important thing during the competition. You must make every movement perfect, so that you can be fast.

"One minute and fifty-seven seconds."

"One minute and fifty-seven seconds."

With the same second counting, the two brothers actually had a tie.


Zhou Zisong's originally cold eyes showed a hint of admiration.

The leader behind the tree showed disbelief in his eyes, his brows were slightly furrowed, and he stood there calmly, like a straight pine tree.

"Old Zhou, both of your sons are so outstanding."

Vice Minister Zhang came over. He and Zhou Baichuan were old comrades, good buddies. Seeing his gaze fixed on the two excellent men on the training ground, he smiled and praised him.

"No, Zisong is a talent, Zixu is just eager to win."

Zhou Baichuan looked at his eldest son with pride, and when he looked at Zhou Zixu, he looked at him with disgust.

"Old Zhou, I'm not talking about you. To your two sons, your attitude is not a bowl of water. Your wife's matter has nothing to do with Zixu. You can't treat him like this."

Deputy Factory Manager Zhang frowned and looked at Zhou Baichuan. The two were good friends, and he knew the affairs of his family best.

"When did I blame him? It's because he didn't learn well. Do you think he's trying to win? But it's just to pursue the little girl."

Zhou Baichuan waved his hands irritably, and the image of his daughter-in-law lying in the coffin appeared in front of his eyes again. She died to save Zixu, but he didn't learn well, so he couldn't like it no matter what.

"Your words are biased. I think Zixu is good. His future achievements will not be worse than your eldest son, and he will even be better than blue. This kid has a good brain and a lot of mind. He is a rare general."

A bystander knows that Vice Minister Zhang watched Zhou Zixu grow up, and he knows this child very well.

He just wanted to get his father's attention, so that he could see him more, even if he beat him and scolded him, the child longed for his father's love in his heart.

And Zhou Baichuan was too indifferent to him, he said it well, and didn't blame Zhou Zixu for his wife's death. In fact, he hated Zixu's mischievousness for killing his wife.

"Come on, if he can become a talent, I will retire and go home to sell sweet potatoes."

Zhou Baichuan waved his hand, his voice was decisive.

"Then let's bet on this match!"

(End of this chapter)

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