Chapter 353

Vice Minister Zhang was angry at Zhou Baichuan's stubbornness, so he frowned and made a bet with him.

"Okay, my eldest son won you to treat me to dinner, Quanjude Roast Duck."

Zhou Baichuan readily agreed, and Vice Minister Zhang looked at him amusedly: "You really underestimate your second son, okay, I'll make a bet with you, if Zixu wins, you invite me to eat Northeast butchered pigs!" Vegetables, I want a whole pig."

"It's a word."

Zhou Baichuan gave him a high five without hesitation, because in his heart, the second son would never win against the eldest son.

How did Zhou Zixu know that he was so underestimated by his father? When he competed with his elder brother, he paid attention to his movements, as well as his strengths and weaknesses.

When fighting, Zhou Zixu hides his hand. This is his cleverness. He can't let his opponent see him through. He has no father and son in battle, so he will not be stingy with the tactics he should use.

The purpose of proposing a competition this time is to explore the gap between the two, and the other is to let the elder brother take it lightly, which is to anesthetize the other party.

In the fighting session, Zhou Zixu lost two points, and Zhou Baichuan's eyes flashed disappointment.

"If you don't have solid basic skills, you still want to compete. It's shameful."

"Old Zhou, you are being harsh. Your second son's fighting performance is already good enough to qualify as a professional athlete. This is the standard for us to choose fighters. Why are you not satisfied?"

Vice Minister Zhang was a little angry. He had seen partiality, but he had never seen such partiality. It was too unfair to Zixu.


Zhou Baichuan snorted coldly and did not continue.

Seeing that Zhou Zixu and Zhou Zisong had reached the second stage of fighting, he became more focused.

In this project, Zhou Zixu still didn't use all his housekeeping skills. He confronted his elder brother about his moves. Both of them had strong arms, and their ability to resist blows was not comparable to that of ordinary people.

"Hehe, Baichuan, just wait and invite me to eat pig-killing dishes!"

Vice Minister Zhang looked at it for a while and smiled proudly. Zixu obviously didn't use all his abilities, but Zhou Zisong took it seriously. This is the difference in personality between the two.

Although Zhou Zisong is a talent, but he is too rigid and well-behaved, he is not as good as Zhou Zixu, so in real confrontation, he may not be able to win Zixu.

"Don't get complacent too early, look, who is lying on the ground now."

While talking here, Zhou Zixu was already lying on the ground there, Zhou Zisong stretched out his hand to him, Zhou Zixu stretched out his hand to pull him with a smile.

"Not necessarily, look now."

Vice Minister Zhang's smile deepened, he had already guessed what Zixu was going to do.

Sure enough, Zhou Zisong was pulled down to the ground by Zhou Zixu in the next second, and he was tightly restrained, unable to move at all.

"Despicable, deceitful woman."

Zhou Baichuan frowned and cursed four words, making Vice Minister Zhang very angry.

"The so-called ice is not tired of cheating. Don't you understand the truth of being a commander? In the field, you will either lose or I will win. The opponent will fight you in a normal manner? Punch you, and then stand there honestly waiting for you to go A punch back? Let me tell you, if this is a confrontation between the two sides, your eldest son has already become a prisoner."

"That's because he has the style of the game. He knows how to pull up his opponent when he wins. I didn't expect his younger brother to use tricks."

Zhou Baichuan glared at Zhang's ideological advisor, agreeing with his words in his heart, but his words were still firm.

"Hmph, next spring there will be a virtual meeting, let's see who will be the winner between these two brothers?"

Vice Minister Zhang angrily threw a sentence at him, the words were not speculative, and he felt that if he continued to talk to Zhou Baichuan, he would be pissed off.

"Zixu, the competition must be serious."

Zhou Zisong was restrained by his younger brother, his expression was very bad, and he ordered him in a cold voice.

(End of this chapter)

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