Chapter 355
"Haha, my grandson is so ambitious, you still want to be Zhuge Liang?"

Mr. Zhou smiled happily. Zhou Yu had never fought Zhuge Liang in his life. Didn't he say a word: "If you give birth to Yuer, how can you give birth to Liang?"

This is his helpless voice, and he has been hanged and beaten by Zhuge Liang for the rest of his life.

"What is Zhuge Liang? Who is Zhou Yu?"

Lu Sihui was at a loss when she heard the conversation between the two men. She is a girl from the end of the world, so she naturally doesn't know these ancient people.

"Haha, Zhuge Liang is nothing. No, Zhuge Liang is a great wise man."

Mr. Zhou liked Lu Sihui very much. Sometimes this girl would make him laugh out loud.

"Great wise man?"

Lu Sihui was even more confused.

"Just the smartest man."

Mr. Zhou was convinced, so he could only use the most common explanation. This time, Lu Sihui understood.

"If so, there's no way he's smarter than his big brother."

The smile on Zhou Zixu's face froze and disappeared little by little. In her heart, was she not as good as her elder brother?
"Jianguo, let's go!"

He suddenly stood up, no longer wasting time, he must prove to her that he is better than his elder brother.

Lu Sihui didn't understand why this person was still laughing one second, and why would he be so nervous the next?
She was just telling the truth. In her heart, she felt that Zhou Zisong was better than Zhou Zixu. He was very similar to the leader of the spaceship in her world. He was calm and calm, giving people a feeling that he would never lose.

Zhou Zixu took Li Jianguo away, Mr. Zhou glanced at Lu Sihui and sighed, this girl had too much influence on Zixu.

In the past, when others said that he was not as good as his brother, he always looked indifferent, still smiling and happy.

Today, I obviously feel his sadness. As a grandfather, I always know my grandson. After all, he is the one who spends the most time with him.

"Sihui, promise grandpa, don't keep talking about Zixu like this, he is very good, don't you remember what grandpa told you? Try to understand him, you will be pleasantly surprised."

Mr. Zhou looked at Lu Sihui with wise eyes. He liked Lu Sihui's character very much after being together for a few days. He thought she and Zixu were a good match.

He hoped that his little grandson would no longer live in pain, that the smile on his face would no longer be to cover up the guilt in his heart, and that he would really come out of the shadows.

"it is good."

Lu Sihui looked at the expecting eyes of the old man, but she didn't say the words of refusal, because the smile on Zhou Zixu's face suddenly disappeared, and disappointment flashed in his eyes, and then he left. A rock, stuffy.

So she didn't refuse Grandpa Zhou's words.

After returning to the room, she lay on the couch and looked at the roof, obviously lost in thought.

After crossing, for the first time, she felt that her heart was in a mess, like a mess.

This feeling lasted until she went to the art team to report, and when she got up in the morning, Aunt Su started to get busy, boiled eggs for her, made noodles for her, and said something interesting, in order to make everything go smoothly for her in the art team in the future.

But after Lu Sihui got up from the bed, she was restless. She didn't see the man who left in a fit of anger at the door until dinner time.

Dongsheng has been pestering her these days, asking her to send him to kindergarten, but she didn't agree.

After being approached by Zhou Zisong, she felt that she should learn to reject Dongsheng, but seeing the child's hurt eyes made her feel very sad.

"Sihui! Aunt Su has prepared some things for your daughter's home for you. You should perform well in the unit and try to get promoted as soon as possible."

Aunt Su was chanting at the dinner table, as if she was telling her own daughter, her eyes were full of reluctance.


Lu Sihui was a little absent-minded, and still glanced at the door from time to time. When a green figure appeared, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but raise.

(End of this chapter)

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