Chapter 356 Complaint
"Aunt Su, did you bring me something to eat?"

Zhou Zixu appeared at the door with a bright face, seeing the faint smile on Lu Sihui's face, he felt relieved for no reason.

Ever since Lu Sihui came back that day, she made it clear that she disliked him, thinking that he was not as good as her brother, so he held back all his energy, training day and night.

The mood has been very depressed, I feel that she looks down on me.

Until today, he got up for training at four o'clock in the morning, and suddenly looked at his watch, remembering that she was going to report to the art team today, and drove the express car all the way back, afraid that she would have left by the time he got home.

Not bad, finally caught up, and she was still smiling at him, which is so rare.

"Zixu, didn't you say you wouldn't come back to send Sihui off?"

Seeing the narrow eyes of the little grandson, the old man deliberately teased him.

"I miss Aunt Su's meal, no!" Zhou Zixu took off his hat and hung it on the hanger, looking at his grandfather with a playful smile.

I know what he wants to say, but he just doesn't say it.

"Okay, Aunt Su will get you a bowl now."

Lu Sihui kept looking at him, and found that he had lost weight since he hadn't seen him for a few days?
Zhou Zixu opened the chair next to her and sat down, and smiled at her tenderly: "Comrade Lu Sihui, congratulations on becoming my comrade."

As he spoke, he handed over his big hand, looking very casual.

Lu Sihui's heart was pounding, and she looked at him hesitantly. Seeing that his bright black eyes had been looking at her intently, she subconsciously stretched out her hand to hold him together.

"Good job."

Zhou Zixu held her hand, tightened it slightly, and said to her with a smile, but did not let go immediately.

"I will, you pay attention to your body."

Lu Sihui nodded, pulled back her hand, felt her face was a little hot, thought about telling him a word, and pushed her egg to him.

"Eat more, you will lose weight."

Joy flashed across Zhou Zixu's eyes, he didn't know what to say other than nodding his head violently?
"Silly boy, eat! Can Sihui be full?"

Grandpa Zhou happily teased his grandson. Fortunately, Zhou Zixu had a thick skin, otherwise he would have been blushed by his grandfather.

"Okay, I'll eat three bowls."

Zhou Zixu happily picked up the egg that Lu Sihui gave him, he was reluctant to eat it, put it in the pocket of his uniform, picked up the chopsticks, and ate happily like a little tiger.

"Second Uncle, Auntie refuses to send me to kindergarten."

Dongsheng missed his father and his second uncle, but neither of these two people came back. Today he saw his second uncle, and he filed a complaint against Lu Sihui.

Lu Sihui looked at him speechlessly, why didn't he know if he wasn't sent off?Who made him call his mother?

After being told by his father, she pretended to be a fake, isn't that embarrassing for herself?
"Second uncle is driving back, and I will see you off when I see off your aunt in a while."

Zhou Zixu was in a good mood, and stretched out his big hand to rub the little guy's head, the little guy has learned to complain.

But my nephew was smart, so he sued the right person.

"Great, can you ask Auntie to take me directly to the gate of the kindergarten."

Dong Sheng was happy that his scheme had succeeded, and he winked mischievously at Lu Sihui with his bright black eyes, and made an urgent request.

Zhou Zixu glanced at Sihui, and found that her face was cold, obviously unwilling, and his brows frowned.

Sihui won't be upset because of sending him off, she looked at Dongsheng, and found that he had a smug face, and she understood in her heart.

He flicked his forehead with his index finger: "Little thing, you can't, if you want to send it, the second uncle and your aunt Sihui will take you to the door together."

"Ah? Can I not want you?"

(End of this chapter)

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