Chapter 359
When he rolled down the car window, he heard this child's words, the wry smile on his face disappeared, and his face collapsed.

Frowning, he watched Dongsheng nod triumphantly, his voice was loud as if he was announcing.

"Yes, my mother sent me here."


Zhou Zixu was so angry that he wanted to go over and beat his little tail. Those who can go to kindergarten here are all the children of people in the unit.

Not only the kindergarten teachers were present, but also the parents of those children. They all knew that Sihui was Dongsheng's mother. If I married Sihui in the future, I wouldn't be suspected of robbing my sister-in-law. .

He pushed open the door and strode over. Just as he was about to correct him, he heard Xiaoqiang's words.

"Hmph, you lied. You are a bastard. How could you have a mother? My mother said that your father is not married."

Zhou Zixu frowned, slammed the car door hard, strode over angrily, stared fiercely at Xiaoqiang's mother, who was smiling awkwardly at the moment, and pulled the child down to stop him from talking.

"You're still the wife of an iron-blooded man! I don't know what to say and what not to say? How will your son grow up if you raise your child this way? If you bully children in kindergarten, you will only grow up to be a scum with a wicked heart. "

Zhou Zixu swears mercilessly, Xiaoqiang's mother's face turns green and turns pale, and she deliberately refutes Zhou Zixu, but after meeting his sharp gaze, she is too scared to make a sound.

"Next time I hear your son say that, I promise to find your man. I can't beat you, but I can beat your man."

Everyone knows Zhou Zixu's unruliness, he's just blunt, if you messed with me, I'll take care of you, the king of heaven, I'll deal with it as usual.

Xiaoqiang's mother's face turned pale. Zhou Dongsheng's grandfather is a minister, and his man is still under his command!
"Look at this kid's broken mouth. I never said it. I will definitely educate him when I go back."

Many parents gathered at the gate of the kindergarten, and they were all watching the excitement at the moment. Zhou Zixu's domineering made them frightened, and they were so frightened that they told their children not to talk nonsense in the future, otherwise their father would be beaten and they would have to deal with them when they came back.

Lu Sihui glanced at Zhou Zixu with admiration.

This is not an admission that she is Dongsheng's mother, but it is a good way to stop these children from bullying Dongsheng.

Some people are just cheap, and they can't control their mouths if they don't clean up.

I found that she was very similar to Zhou Zixu in this respect.

"Dongsheng, study hard."

Rubbing Dong Sheng's head, I really can't imagine how sad it is for the child to be called a bastard every day in the kindergarten.

The aunts in the kindergarten were all frightened, because Zhou Zixu's cold gaze didn't even let them go.

At home, it is the son's fault for not teaching the father. In the kindergarten, it is dereliction of duty for the teacher to let these children talk nonsense.

"Let's go, let me hear this bullshit again, don't say I'm rude."

Zhou Zixu took Lu Sihui's hand and left. After walking two steps, he turned around and threw a threat.

Lu Sihui didn't withdraw her hand, and found that she liked him holding her hand very much, it felt very solid.

That was the sense of security she had been looking for in the last days.

After getting into the car, Zhou Zixu's anger still persisted. These people bullied others too much, and Dong Sheng had to endure such verbal violence at a young age.

He had to use ghosts and tricks to trick Lu Sihui into pretending to be him 1. Mom.

"Do not be angry."

Lu Sihui looked at him, and suddenly said something persuasive. She still likes to see him smile with crooked eyebrows, and doesn't like to see him frown.

There was an impulse in my heart, I wanted to reach out and smooth his eyebrows.

Suddenly, Zhou Zixu showed her a bright smile.

"Sihui, you are not as cold as you look, your heart is warm."

(End of this chapter)

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