Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 360 She Was Crazier Than Himself

Chapter 360 She Was Crazier Than Himself
She stared at him blankly, what did he mean by that?

What does it mean that she is not as cold as imagined?is she cold


Seeing her staring blankly at him, Zhou Zixu's anger was driven away by that cute look, and he hooked her nose with a smile.

"You're so cute."

Throw down a sentence, start the engine and drive towards the art team.

Lu Sihui brushed the tip of her nose, as if it felt numb and crispy, which was really strange.

She doesn't reject Zhou Zixu's intimacy with her. If it was in the last days, she would probably break his fingers.

Zhou Zixu was in a good mood and whistled nicely. Lu Sihui was infected by his happiness, and her mood also improved. The corners of her mouth raised and she looked out the window.

She is about to go to a new environment, and she hopes to stay away from bad things, and no longer have villains plot against her.

Zhou Zixu looked at her from the side, and when he saw the arc of her mouth, he felt better.

"Don't take Dongsheng's words to heart. Let's not do things that we want to cover up."

Zhou Zixu felt it necessary to remind Lu Sihui that she wanted not to hurt Dongsheng, but lies could not go far after all.

Lu Sihui withdrew her gaze from the window, looked back at Zhou Zixu and asked, "Do you want to cover it up?"

"Yes, it means that if you try to cover up the truth with a lie, you will be suspected instead, and we can't condone Dongsheng's lying, even though the lie is well-intentioned."

Zhou Zixu loves Dongsheng and pities him, but he is not without principles.

Especially don't like him casually calling Sihui's mother.

"I understand, I just look at him poorly, and I won't do it in the future."

Lu Sihui thought for a while and nodded seriously. Zhou Zisong said that she was very angry, but Zixu said that she thought it made sense.

"The three people admitted this time are Zhao Yuying. Be careful with her. In fact, I really want my aunt not to want her, but the admission notice has already been sent out. Besides, she is a villain who is causing trouble. I can't do anything with Jin Chen." Confession."

Zhou Zixu felt disturbed when he thought of Zhao Yuying who had ulterior motives. Why did he agree to Jin Chen at the beginning?It wasn't that he begged, it was that he volunteered.

This time Lu Sihui had an accident, his first thought was to call his aunt.

He asked her on the sidelines, is it possible for the admission staff to disqualify this time?

The answer I got was that the admission was discussed and admitted by their leadership team, and they could not be disqualified at will.

Zhou Zixu hung up the phone silently, he had no choice but to let it go.

He has no other choice but to tell Lu Sihui.

He deeply blamed himself for causing a big trouble to Lu Sihui.

"She has no ability."

Hearing Zhou Zixu telling her to be careful with Zhao Yuying, Lu Sihui showed a contemptuous expression.

Letting her go before was considered a reward to Village Chief Zhao, but there will be no such good things in the future.

And she has already told Village Chief Zhao that if Zhao Yuying dares to harm her again, don't blame her for being rude.

"Don't underestimate the enemy, ants are not small, they can defeat elephants."

Zhou Zixu looked at Lu Sihui worriedly, feeling that she was crazier than himself, and he was not at all wary.

"Don't worry! Concerns lead to chaos. The last time I got caught, it was because of Jianguo."

When Lu Sihui heard Zhou Zixu's instructions, she smiled at him, full of confidence, and didn't care.

Zhou Zixu stared at her with black eyes for a while, knowing that she would not listen to what he said, one corner of his mouth was raised, showing a wicked smile, and he began to speak seriously.

"I haven't seen you for a few days, have you ever thought of me?"

(End of this chapter)

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