Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 361 Show Your Heart

Chapter 361 Show Your Heart
One second before, she was still telling her to be careful, but the next second suddenly changed the subject. Lu Sihui was caught off guard, and nodded without thinking much.

"Think about it."

To Zhou Zixu, these two words are like giving him a piece of candy, which is sweet in his heart.

"I miss you as well."

As if he got a baby, he smiled happily and replied her with four words, expressing his heart.

After Lu Sihui answered, she realized that she seemed to have said something wrong, and just about to correct her, she heard his reply, blushed, bowed her head and said nothing.

She didn't think it was necessary to discuss this topic.

I thought about it, but what was he doing?
I wonder what he thinks about himself?

Seeing that she was silent, Zhou Zixu didn't like the quiet air in the car, so he rolled his eyes and smiled narrowly.

"I wonder if you are full, have you slept well, have you been bullied, and the most important thing is, do you miss me? I have confirmed the previous few things when I saw you, only the last one is not Sure."

Lu Sihui glared at him, what did you say?Even seeing her makes sure she is eating and sleeping well?Not being bullied?
"How did you see that?"

She frowned and asked.

"First, your complexion is good, and your face is round when people look at it, which proves that you have slept well and eaten well. Second, your eyes are as calm as water, and you don't look like you are being bullied."

Zhou Zixu has his own set of theories, and he is afraid that if she doesn't ask, he will be left alone.

"The eyes are calm? You haven't been bullied? I think there is something wrong with your eyes."

Lu Sihui felt that he was too arbitrary, if he was bullied, it was his elder brother.

He came here to teach her a lesson, so that she couldn't express her anger.

"Then tell me, who bullied you?"

Listening to the words, Zhou Zixu felt something was wrong.

"Your elder brother! Say I'm pretending to be Dongsheng's mother."

Lu Sihui was very worried about this matter. At that time, those who were asked by him didn't know how to answer, and felt very ashamed.

"This matter! Wait for me to vent your anger on you."

When Zhou Zixu heard that it was the eldest brother, Jianmei couldn't help but tighten his eyebrows. He made the child so pitiful.

Hadn't been pushed by those children, Dong Sheng would not have thought of replacing the civet cat with the prince and using Lu Sihui to pretend to be his 1.mother.


Lu Sihui suddenly raised a smiling face and looked at him amusedly. She felt that Zhou Zixu must be afraid of his brother, and he must be talking big now.

"Don't believe it, my elder brother looks cruel, but he is actually cruel and ruthless. He cares about honor the most, and he is unwilling to fall behind. I will help you defeat him and let him fall from the throne of champion. Do you think it is against him? Biggest hit."

Zhou Zixu heard that Lu Sihui didn't believe it, and was making fun of him for overestimating his capabilities.

He looked at her seriously and said his plan.

"Okay, I'll wait to see you get first."

Lu Sihui smiled, this time she didn't mean to be sarcastic, she saw the determination in his eyes, and suddenly found that he was convincing.

When the two of them were talking, they arrived outside the gate of the Xuanwenyi team, looking at the red flags flying in the courtyard and the familiar olive green that filled the courtyard, Lu Sihui also became excited.

She should be able to wear such a suit, right?

Would it look good if she wore it?
Looking at Zhou Zixu, she wanted to show him wearing this outfit.

Zhao Yuying was brought here by her father in a donkey cart, and when she saw Lu Sihui getting off the jeep, she became mad with jealousy.

"Don't look, did I hit you lightly?"

Seeing the jealousy in his daughter's eyes, Zhao Yaozu frowned and scolded her.

"Brother Zhou, you are here too, long time no see."

(End of this chapter)

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