Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 365 The Eyes Are Above The Top

Chapter 365 The Eyes Are Above The Top
The teacher Huang in Zhou Yanhong's mouth was actually the teacher in charge of training the new team members. She saluted with a serious face.

"Yes, make sure to take it with you."

M County admitted three people, as well as new comrades from other places. They were all selected from the best, but they had not been trained by the unit, and their discipline was definitely not good.

Lu Sihui heard Zhou Yanhong's explanation to Teacher Huang, and looked at her curiously. She saw that she was a lesbian in her thirties with a good appearance and a serious expression. She was very energetic and had a loud voice.

My first impression of her was good, remembering her grandfather's instructions, she stood aside honestly.

There were a few lesbians who came earlier than her. They all smiled friendly when they saw her, and she nodded as a greeting.

Fang Fang and Zhao Yuying came late, because they both wanted to spend a little longer with Zhou Zixu.

"Sister Fang Fang, I didn't expect you to be admitted to the art team."

Zhao Yuying had nothing to say, and what she wanted in her heart was to establish a good relationship with Fang Fang, so that they could deal with Lu Sihui together.

And she just needs to hide behind, Fang Fang is the one who charges forward.

"Hmph, nonsense, didn't you see me take the exam? Can I pass the exam if I try my best?"

Fang Fang rolled her eyes and spoke contemptuously.

She didn't say anything, but she was scolding her in her heart. It's all this dead girl who used Zhou Zixu as a bait to trick herself into teaching her to be admitted to the art team.

She didn't like the feeling of being taken advantage of, so she was annoyed when she talked to Zhao Yuying.

"Yes, Sister Fang Fang is the pillar of the art team, and she is also thriving here."

Zhao Yuying accompanied her with a smiling face.

"Hmph, it's good to know."

Fang Fang's vanity was satisfied, and with her chin raised, she proudly walked into the new team report office.

"Hi, my name is Fang Fang. I'm a new comrade here to report. I used to stay in the local art team."

When she was reporting, she did not forget to reveal her previous identity, just to make the teacher look up to her.

"Okay, come and sign."

Teacher Huang doesn't like her style very much. She is a new comrade when she comes to the unit. She has a good attitude and feels that she is superior to others.

In short, the first impression was not good, which also made Fang Fang suffer a lot in the next training.

The more arrogant a person is, the more she must get rid of her arrogance first, so that she can be organized and disciplined.

"My name is Zhao Yuying, and I'm from Kaoshantun."

Zhao Yuying walked over with a smiling face, and when she saw Zhou Yanhong, she bowed respectfully to her.

This is Zhou Zixu's aunt, and she wants to make a good impression on her.

But she won't tell Fang Fang that, it's better if she gets angry with Brother Zhou's aunt and makes her dislike her.

Lu Sihui stood obediently by the side. The teacher said just now that everyone will be here in a while, and they will be taken to the dormitory together.

Fang Fang felt that she had been treated coldly, and felt very bad. Once again, she felt that it was not worth giving up her original unit because of her infatuation with Zhou Zixu.

After Zhao Yuying also signed, there were two new comrades. Teacher Huang saw that everyone was present, and took a few people to the dormitory.

"New comrades have a dormitory for new comrades. The first thing you have to learn is to be familiar with the rules of the unit. Those who violate the rules will be punished. You'd better not let yourself make mistakes. Those who have recorded serious demerits cannot be promoted. , you will have to leave the workshop in two years, do you understand?"

On the way, Teacher Huang began to lecture the new comrades. Her voice was very serious, and she looked at these girls with stern eyes.

"Understood." Basically most of the lesbians answered immediately.

Only that Fang Fang pouted, not paying attention.

Teacher Huang naturally saw her actions, and her eyebrows were tightly furrowed. The girl from the city used to be in the art team, her eyes were high above her head, and she looked down on anyone.

(End of this chapter)

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