Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 366 Confinement for 3 Days

Chapter 366 Three Days of Confinement

Such a person will not get along well with his comrades in the dormitory.

"You, Fang Fang, live in the upper bunk."

After arriving at the dormitory, Teacher Huang pointed to a top bunk next to the window and allocated it to Fang Fang first.

"I'm afraid of heights, so I can't live in the upper bunk, and besides, it's cold by the window, I'm afraid of the cold."

When Fang Fang saw such a position for herself, she was very angry, and her attitude was very bad.

"When you talk to the teacher, you need to talk about the report. What I am giving you is advice, not asking for your opinion. This is your position. If you don't want to sleep, live outside."

Teacher Huang was furious, and it was the first time she met a lesbian who dared to bargain with the teacher like this and had a bad attitude.

How could the proud Fang Fang bear being reprimanded by the teacher in front of other new comrades?

"I'm going to sue you to the leader for bullying the new comrades."

The corners of Zhao Yuying's mouth curled up. She hated Fang Fang's sense of superiority all the time.

When studying with her, I was simply servile.

Now seeing that she offended the teacher when she just came, she was happy in her heart, but her face was expressionless.

Lu Sihui glared at Fang Fang, this person is too arrogant.

"Let her sleep on that couch, she's from the countryside, she's cheap, she's not afraid of the cold."

Fang Fang originally wanted to point at Lu Sihui, but meeting her cold eyes, she temporarily pointed her finger at Zhao Yuying.

What she said was so insulting that Zhao Yuying almost turned her face, suppressed her silence, looked at Teacher Huang with aggrieved eyes, lowered her head and remained silent, as if she was being bullied.

"What are you talking about? Why are rural people so cheap? We don't farm land, so you eat shit?"

Among the new team members was a hot-tempered girl named Huang Yaomei, who had the same surname as Teacher Huang. She was also from the countryside, so naturally she couldn't listen to Fang Fang's insults to the rural people.


Fang Fang rolled her eyes, ignored Teacher Huang's arrangement, and found a lower bunk far away from the window to sit on.

"I will live here."

"Stand up, the new team members will not obey the discipline, and will be locked up for three days. Let you know that this is the team headquarters, not your home."

Teacher Huang yelled violently, went over to take Fang Fang's arm, and yelled at her unceremoniously.

Her lungs really exploded. She is also from the countryside. She doesn't think she is inferior to the people in the city. According to this girl, the bones of the people in the countryside are cheap, so she should make room for her. What kind of logic is this?

Fang Fang was taken aback, her arm hurt from being scratched, but seeing Teacher Huang's angry face, she felt wronged.

"Why punish me like this, I'm going to the leader to sue you."

"Take it."

Teacher Huang sent someone to take Fang Fang away, and she was locked up in a small black room on the first day. Fang Fang was still No. 1 in the propaganda team.

No one was as arrogant as her when she came into the unit, it was simply too disorganized and disciplined.

The art team can't keep black sheep, so she decided to ask the leader to respond, and if it doesn't work, she will be fired.

The other new comrades became very obedient when they saw the real punishment, and they went to the couch they were assigned, and no one raised any objection.

"Lu Sihui, you go to the lower berth over there, Zhao Yuying, you go to the upper berth."

When Lu Sihui was finally assigned, she was assigned to the lower bunk that Fang Fang had seized, while Zhao Yuying was assigned to her upper bunk.

Zhao Yuying was upset, but Fang Fang taught her a lesson, she didn't dare to say anything, she walked over honestly and put her things away.

"Listen well, the unit is not your home, you have to put things in a proper manner, you can't throw them casually, you can't put clothes on the couch, they are all put in the box under the couch, the bedding must be folded to this standard, and there are regular sanitation inspections. Qualification affects your promotion, do you hear clearly?"

(End of this chapter)

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