Chapter 367
Seeing that the new comrades obeyed the assignment without any complaints, Teacher Huang was satisfied. He must be strict in leading the team, otherwise they will be mischievous, and it will be a mess.


The answers of the female team members were uneven, but they were all honest.

Although I didn't understand the meaning of inspection work, I understood the sentence of packing all the clothes in the box.

"You can't wear casual clothes in the unit. Your clothes have already been collected. You must learn to wear the uniform of the team."

Teacher Huang saw that the new team members were all wearing four-season underwear, so she said again that she would take them to get their clothes in a while.


Everyone's eyes lit up, including Lu Sihui, when they heard about wearing a uniform.

After leaving the dormitory, Teacher Huang asked the girls to set off as a team, aiming at the backup warehouse.

Every time she brings in new players, she suffers from headaches. These girls basically have to train from scratch.

When Lu Sihui received the uniform, the excitement in her eyes drove away the indifference in the past, and she looked at the green overalls cherishingly. She could wear the same overalls as Zhou Zixu in the future.

A smile rose from the corner of her mouth, and Zhao Yuying over there couldn't help smiling happily when she got the uniform, she finally got her wish.

Slowly, she wants to realize all her wishes. Even if Big Brother Zhou doesn't want her, she still wants to find a promising man in uniform, who has a higher position than Big Brother Zhou, so that he will regret it.

In this way, the girls were busy changing their uniforms, and they were inevitably excited when they wore them for the first time.

The work clothes of lesbians are different from those of gay men. There is a belt around the waist, and they look energetic and heroic.

But it's the belt, they don't understand it, and they don't wear it well.

Teacher Huang demonstrated it to them and told them that every morning when the alarm bell rings, they have to get up and fold the bedding neatly first.

She also specially demonstrated how to fold the quilt into tofu cubes.

Lu Sihui looked at it very seriously, and basically understood it once, while the other lesbians were a little confused.

But they didn't dare to ask, they just waited for Teacher Huang to leave and practiced there over and over again.

Everyone wants to be a person who can be promoted to stay in the work unit, and they don't want to go back to the countryside to farm.

Fortunately, the others said that Zhao Yuying was the stupidest one. No matter how she folded it, the quilt would collapse, which was very embarrassing.

Lu Sihui folded the quilt in just one pass, and evened out the creases on the couch sheet.

Putting on the hat, she looked at the only mirror in the dormitory. The red emblem was shining in the sunlight. She liked the way she was wearing overalls.

Zhao Yuying looked at her jealously, they all came from the backing village, why did she learn everything so quickly?
"Lu Sihui, I'm going to discuss something with you. I'm afraid of sleeping on the upper bunk. Can we change it?"

Zhao Yuying came to her side, pretending to be pitiful and begging her.

Lu Sihui looked at her coldly, and gave her two firm words: "No."

"They all come from the same village. You are too unreasonable."

Zhao Yuying said aggrievedly that Huang Yaomei came over and patted her on the shoulder.

"I'm in the lower berth, let's change."

Huang Yaomei is a cheerful person. She usually likes to climb high places and thinks that the upper bunk is quieter. Seeing that Zhao Yuying and Lu Sihui were in a stalemate, she offered to change beds with Zhao Yuying.

"No way! I can't just change the couch that the teacher assigned me."

A lesbian who was very delicate and soft-spoken came over.

"Ah, that's right, then don't change it, or the teacher will get angry and it's time to close it tightly."

Huang Yaomei was frightened when she heard this, she glanced at Zhao Yuying apologetically, and returned to her couch, not daring to change the couch again.

Fang Fang was much more sad than Zhao Yuying. She stayed in the confinement room and cursed Lu Sihui and Teacher Huang.

"Another three days of confinement."

(End of this chapter)

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