Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 368 Must Kill Her Spirit

Chapter 368 Must Kill Her Spirit
Fang Fang cursed louder and louder. It happened that Teacher Huang wanted to do her ideological work, and when she heard her scolding herself, she turned around and left angrily.

This is simply a stubborn Miss Jiao. She thinks that everyone should listen to her and must kill her spirit.

"Why? You are retaliating. I want to report to the leader. No, I will go to the superior unit to ask the leader to sue you."

The small black room was small and stuffy, and the smell was not good. Fang Fang couldn't stay there for a day. She didn't expect Teacher Huang to add another three days for her, and she slammed the door like crazy. She began to regret joining the art team.

"I will report your matter to the leader and consider expelling you from the team."

Teacher Huang's cold voice came from outside the small dark room, Fang Fang shuddered and was expelled from the team. Doesn't that mean that he would not be able to have a job when he returned to the place?
Even if her father is a leader, focusing on cultural and sports units, but to put people in, at least they must be clean and have no bad deeds.

People who are expelled from the unit will have stains on their files. What will she do in the future?Are you an unemployed youth?

"Don't, Teacher Huang, I'm a petty bourgeoisie, don't be as knowledgeable as I am."

She began to ignore the immediate loss and speak soft words.

"This is a unit, you have to abide by the rules when you come in, it's not your kang head, you can do whatever you want."

Hearing that she was subdued, Teacher Huang didn't kill them all. After all, Fang Fang was reporting on the first day. Even if she made a mistake, she would be fired immediately.

"Yes, I will definitely pay attention."

Fang Fang feels aggrieved!She has never said small things like this, even in the county art team, she does her own way.

Because of her father's power, Teacher Wang is only superficially respectful.

After tidying up her couch, Lu Sihui took the brochure issued by her unit and read it.

Fang Fang's incident made her understand that in the work unit, the Ministry's regulations are the first, and no matter who they are, they must obey them.

Zhao Yuying was lying on the couch in a daze. It is not a fake that she is afraid of heights. She was naughty when she was a child.

The kang at home is big, she can roll it as she pleases, and lying on this small single couch, her heart is always flickering.

Lu Sihui got up to pour herself a glass of water, and each lesbian handed out a green enamel jar.

She used this thing before, and it was in Zhou Zixu's office.

Opening the things I brought, I took out the picture of the eagle painted by Zhou Zixu, looking into its eyes was like looking at the unruly Zhou Zixu.

The corners of her lips curled up slightly, and she pasted this picture on the head of her bed.

"Comrade, you should stop posting. Didn't you listen to what the teacher said? Our clothes have to be put in the box."

Wang Haixia kindly reminded Lu Sihui that she felt that her temper didn't seem very good, and she looked like an ice cube, cold.

"Thank you."

Lu Sihui hesitated for a moment, Wang Haixia saw good intentions in her eyes, she could see clearly, sighed, put the painting back into the box, and put it on top.

She decided to ask the teacher if she had time to stick the goshawk on the wall.

They live in the new gay dormitory. There are five bunks in one room, which sleep exactly ten people.

Because of Fang Fang's matter, everyone behaved according to the rules and did not dare to violate discipline. They even spoke in a low voice and did not dare to make loud noises.

"My name is Wang Haixia, what's your name?"

"Lu Sihui."

"Zhang Xiaomei."

"Li Mei."


They all introduced their names to each other and found people who were close to each other to get along with. Only Zhao Yuying lay nervously on the upper bunk, not daring to move.

(End of this chapter)

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