Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 369 1 side of water and soil raise 1 side of people

Chapter 369
You have to wash up before going to bed at night. The unit is good. Everyone is given a set of toiletries, and everyone has a washbasin.

The girls got to know each other naturally after spending an afternoon with each other and had two meals.

They went to the bathroom to wash up together, and Zhao Yuying climbed down to the bed in fear. Except for going to the toilet, she stayed on the bed all the time, and Wang Haixia helped her to do lunch and dinner.

"Zhao Yuying, what's the matter with you? Have other comrades call you for lunch and dinner?"

As soon as she climbed into the bed, Teacher Huang appeared at the door with a serious expression.

"Mr. Huang, I dare not come down, it's too high."

Zhao Yuying said aggrievedly that she didn't think the top bunk was too high when she stood on the bottom, but when she lay on it and looked down, she felt dizzy.

Lu Sihui was still wandering around, she was almost crying with fright, holding back!
"As a team member, we have to overcome difficulties. We have horizontal and parallel bars in our training program. What if you don't dare to go up high? You are now a member of the art team, and you must overcome yourself."

Teacher Huang looked at her with a frown, and found that this year's new comrades were not easy to take care of, and there were too many coquettish people.


Zhao Yuying nodded, reluctantly agreeing.

Teacher Huang frowned again: "Speak up, haven't you eaten yet?"


Zhao Yuying hastily raised her voice.


Teacher Huang's brows were furrowed even tighter. She taught them to salute, and she had to speak loudly when answering questions.

She will definitely be stage fright when performing in front of tens of thousands of people in the future. How can such a person get on stage?

Seeing the impatience in Teacher Huang's eyes, Zhao Yuying hurriedly bowed her heels together and saluted a non-standard salute.

Then he looked at Teacher Huang carefully, seeing that her face was very bad, and she looked at her with disgust.

"Go and wash up. After a while, when the light signal rings, you have to turn off the lights and go to bed."

Teacher Huang said something, turned and left.

She will be pissed off if she stays any longer. Tomorrow, she will stand in a dignified posture first, and then let them practice the standard salute.

As a member of the cultural and art team, wouldn't it make people laugh out loud when they saluted so differently?

Zhao Yuying looked at the door dejectedly. Why did she upset the teacher on the first day?

"Hi teacher."

The loud voice is full of confidence, why does this voice sound so familiar?
At the door, Lu Sihui put her legs together and raised her chest to salute Teacher Huang. Her movements were very good, like an old player who has been trained for many years.

Teacher Huang looked at her with the harshest eyes, but didn't find anything wrong with her.

"Yes, what's your name."

"Teacher, my name is Lu Sihui, and I'm from Kaoshantun, County M."

Lu Sihui raised her chin and answered the question loudly.

Teacher Huang nodded in satisfaction. She naturally knew her name. She just wanted to see if she could follow what she taught when answering questions.
"Very good, County M? Then you, Zhao Yuying and that Fang Fang are together?"

Teacher Huang filtered through the files in his head, and asked Lu Sihui directly.

"Report to the teacher, we are all in the same county."

In fact, Lu Sihui didn't want to answer this question very much. It was a shame to be in the same place as those two people.

"It is said that one side raises another side's people, and they all come from the same place. Why is there such a big difference?"

Teacher Huang said with emotion.

Lu Sihui couldn't answer these words, she could only stand there quietly, the teacher didn't speak, and she didn't move.

"That's right, let's go in! Pay attention to unity, that Zhao Yuying seems to be afraid of heights, you can switch with her!"

Zhao Yuying, who was in the room, had been eavesdropping, and when she heard Teacher Huang's words, her eyes became smug.

(End of this chapter)

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