Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 372 Is Your Heart Dark?

Chapter 372 Is Your Heart Dark?

Teacher Huang nodded in satisfaction when she saw Lu Sihui, who was well-dressed and imposing, and wanted to see how her work was going?
As soon as I passed by, I saw Zhao Yuying lying on the couch with all four limbs spread out, with a trace of transparent water dripping from the corner of her mouth, her sleeping appearance was very ugly.

It's just that she wasn't angry about this. The other new comrades were at least up. Even if their clothes were not neatly dressed and the bedding wasn't folded properly, it was better than Zhao Yuying who was still sleeping soundly.

She went over angrily and lifted the quilt on her body, and pulled Zhao Yuying up with her arms.

"Wake up."

Shouting into her ear, the voice was not too low, Zhao Yuying opened her eyes in a daze, glanced at her, and pushed Teacher Huang away impatiently.

"Damn, I haven't woken up yet!"

Under Teacher Huang's astonished gaze, she lay back on the pillow again and slept on the quilt.

"I'll let you sleep."

It was the first time to meet such a new comrade. Teacher Huang picked up the cup on the table and poured half of the water on Zhao Yuying's head.

The weather is not warm in October, and the water has been left for half a night, and it is already very cold.

Zhao Yuying woke up completely this time, and when she sat up, she saw Lu Sihui standing beside her, and she was so angry that she cursed.

"Lu Sihui, you are really hurt, pour cold water on my head, is your heart dark?"

"Whose heart are you saying is dark? Who are you saying is hurt?"

There was a familiar voice, full of anger, Zhao Yuying raised her face numbly, and saw Teacher Huang glaring at her angrily.

His face turned crimson with anger, the words were squeezed out between his teeth.


Zhao Yuying hurriedly pulled off the uniform and put it on in a frenzied manner. The busier she was, the more mistakes she made, and the leg of her trousers was worn into one leg.

"All go outside to assemble, I will record today's performance."

Teacher Huang stopped talking to Zhao Yuying, and called the other eight girls to go out to assemble, because the assembly number on the playground had already sounded.

Leading new team members is not as worry-free as old ones. Teacher Huang is a very competitive person, and I hope that all the comrades she leads can stay in the unit.

Looking at it now, she was completely disappointed with the two of them. Their performance was too bad, and the previous new team members had never seen anything like this.

Zhao Yuying watched the other comrades file out in frustration, and followed Teacher Huang to go out for exercise.

She hasn't finished wearing her clothes yet, and she forgot to fold them last night. The clothes are all wrinkled and crumpled, and the new clothes look like old ones when she wears them.

When she packed up and ran out, she found that the other seven people had already started standing exercises on the playground. The new team members trained for about 20 days, and gays and lesbians were different.

The training time for male comrades is longer, and female comrades are mainly art team members. The purpose of training is to make them organized and disciplined, as well as the most basic physical fitness. Otherwise, how can they be regarded as team members in the unit?

Therefore, the most basic training is to be carried out. At the beginning, it is to stand in a queue and practice standing posture. This looks simple, but it can actually exercise people's body and spirit, and also exercise people's endurance.

It was already October at this time, and the wind was still very cold in the morning. After standing for a while, the cold wind had already blown through, and some of the girls had already started to shiver.

But they all gritted their teeth and held on. Teacher Huang's eyes fell on Lu Sihui from time to time. She really stood up like a pine tree, her eyes were majestic, and she looked like a pine tree.

Her couch is the most standard among all new comrades, just like an old comrade for many years.

She had already made up her mind, so she waited to observe for a few more days to see her performance in other aspects before making a decision.

Zhao Yuying tiptoed over, trying to sneak into the queue.

"Zhao Yuying, come out."

(End of this chapter)

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