Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 373 Kill 1 as an example

Chapter 373
No matter how careful she was, she was just covering her ears and stealing her bell. How could Teacher Huang standing in front of the line not notice her who was sneaking around!

With a sharp shout, he called people to the front of the team.

"Run around the playground fifteen laps. Don't eat if you don't finish. Everyone listen carefully. I will come to check again when the bell rings tomorrow morning. Those who fail are just like her."

Teacher Huang made a warning to the others and told the team members to obey orders, then there would be rewards and punishments, and blind coaxing could only bring out a mess.

Zhao Yuying had a mournful face, and was about to be punished in public on the first day she came to work.

He glared at Lu Sihui resentfully, but saw that she didn't even look at her, she just stared straight ahead, with her hands hanging naturally at the seam of her trousers, her standing posture was the same as that of the old comrade next to her.

Grinding his teeth, he didn't dare to bargain with the teacher, and ran honestly.

In order to catch up with the meal, she ran very fast at the beginning, wishing she could finish fifteen laps in one go.

The playground is huge, with at least 800 meters in one lap, and 2000 meters after fifteen laps, which is easy to say.

To the old comrades, the fifteen laps were nothing, but to Zhao Yuying, who lacked exercise, it was different. She was out of breath after just two laps, and she had to slow down.

None of the old comrades over there looked at her, this is the result of training, not to mention a person swaying in front of her eyes, even if a fly lands on her nose, she must remain motionless.

"Huh, huh."

By the fifth lap, Zhao Yuying's legs were filled with lead, and she took steps as if she was walking, panting with her mouth wide open like a dehydrated fish, and she felt her lungs were about to explode.

Whenever she ran in front of Lu Sihui, she would stare at her viciously, which was the driving force behind her running.

Must not let her see the joke.

Zhao Yuying is being punished here, while Wang Haixia over there is already a little bit unbearable and teetering.

She was weak and couldn't bear the strong wind, and standing still like this would be torture to her.

"Standing here first, everyone, run around the playground twice to warm up."

Teacher Huang knows the truth of the long flow of water, so she can't practice everyone on the ground on the first day, but after a while, she probably knows who has better physical fitness and strong endurance.

Those people are weak in body and weak in stamina.

It is for their own good to let these people go for a run. Don't fall ill right after entering the work unit. If you sweat all over from running, your body's blood will circulate, and you will be fine.

"Stand at attention, take a rest, turn right, and run in unison."

She gave orders according to the old comrades' training, but she forgot that these were all new comrades, so she turned to the right, and both of them turned to the left.

"There is no distinction between left and right? After dinner, both of you will practice turning left and right for me."

Teacher Huang walked up to Li Mei and Wang Haixia, frowned and scolded them. The most standard behavior of these people was Lu Sihui, and she liked this cold girl more and more.

"Lu Sihui, you go to the front of the team and run with them."

This was Teacher Huang's deliberate arrangement. Lu Sihui saluted and shouted yes, trotted to the front of the team and stood at attention, then imitated those old comrades running, with his hands on his waist, and started jogging.

Over there, Zhao Yuying ran nine laps, put her hands on her waist, and moved forward step by step. She couldn't run anymore, and she would definitely die if she ran any longer.

"Report to the teacher, I can't run anymore."

She walked up to Teacher Huang and saluted her limply. It didn't look like she was saluting, but rather she was scratching her ears.

"This is a unit, no bargaining is allowed, follow orders, otherwise you won't eat."

(End of this chapter)

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