Chapter 374 No Good Death
Zhao Yuying's face collapsed, and tears flowed down her cheeks. She looked at Teacher Huang pitifully, and hoped that she would show compassion and reduce the punishment.

"If I were you, just finish the run honestly, and then piss on me, and you can go home and farm!"

Teacher Huang looked at her angrily, what had he done to her yet?Those who are crying right here, those who don't know, think it's Miss Jiao from the city, how can there be a rural girl who endures hardships and stands hard work.

Zhao Yuying had no choice but to run the next six laps. After finally getting into the unit, she never gave up.

Lu Sihui took the other seven people and quickly finished the training task arranged by Teacher Huang, and stood in front of Teacher Huang.

"Okay, let's disband and go to the cafeteria to eat, keep the formation, don't be messy, and learn from other old comrades."

Here Lu Sihui was training intensely, while Zhou Zixu didn't dare to slack off. Tomorrow is the day of the sports meeting. He must take the first place. This is the surprise he wanted to give Sihui.

Over there, after Zhou Zisong once had a contest with his younger brother, he no longer took it lightly, because he found that once his younger brother decided to do a good job, he would never be worse.

Lu Jianguo had a hard time following him in school. There would be one day off every week, and all the other students would go home, and he was the only one who stayed in school.

Thinking of his former home, he felt very sad, and looked forward to his sister coming to see him, or picking him up to live with Brother Zhou.

Today was the day when Li Laogen was killed. Lu Jianguo skipped class, so he ran to send his father off for the last time.

He took the money his sister gave him to buy sesame seed cakes and pork head meat. He wanted his father to have a hearty meal for the last time.

It's a pity that when he rushed to the detention center, he was told that everyone had been taken to the city, and there was going to be a public trial, and then he would be taken to the detention center for severe punishment.

Li Jianguo shouted loudly, trying to squeeze into the packed crowd, squeeze to his father, and give him food.

Li Laogen looked into the crowd with cloudy eyes, tears pouring down his cheeks, he was old and did not end well.

I found that what I want to see most at this time is my pair of children.

But will they come?I did such a great job back then, it would be nice to see him once.

Can he still hope?


Suddenly, he seemed to hear his son's cry amidst the noise. He stretched his neck and looked into the crowd. They were all black heads, and he couldn't find his son at all.


In the crowd near the truck, someone started throwing rotten vegetable leaves on the truck, shouting angrily that he should be punished quickly.

After the sentence was pronounced, the security guards began to disperse the crowd. Those who should go to prison were sent to the fence, and those who should be severely punished were sent to be severely punished.

"Uncle policeman, my father is severely punished today, can I get him something to eat?"

Lu Jianguo jumped up in the crowd and shouted to the police, but unfortunately his voice was suppressed by the roars of others.

Seeing his father bowed his head tremblingly, with snot and tears streaming down his face, Lu Jianguo also cried loudly.

"This is the son of the murderer. The father is a murderer, and the son will not get better. Beat him."

(End of this chapter)

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